Example sentences of "[prep] being [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was Ana who came forward as Maggie came into the room , and clearly she did not let her blindness get in the way of being hostess for her brother .
2 Further suppose that he had tried Kant 's remedy of being kind to his dogs , only to discover that it served merely to fan the flames of his misanthropy .
3 The advantage that Paisley enjoyed of being master of his own house has already been mentioned .
4 The very act of sharing this experience with men and women of every background and colour of skin , heightens that sense of being part of something that is truly a part of history .
5 That feeling of … of being part of it all . ’
6 obviously we got to have fears , because there 's something to be , they 're the largest nation in fucking Europe so everybody 's got to fear them , because they co-hearse all the other into being part of their group and that sort of stuff got ta be
7 The decisive factor , though , was that Mrs Thatcher , for all her election triumph , was far from being mistress in her own house yet .
8 If Spencer is taken as the model it seems clear that Victorian evolutionary social theory was far from being collectivist in its orientation .
9 Beryl and Peter Benyon acknowledge their thanks and say : ‘ We wish to thank you for your great support and for being part of our work .
10 If one came into your house then , by being kind to it , you could appease its master , the Devil , and avoid his wrath .
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