Example sentences of "[prep] being [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In March this year , Bishop Peter Ball resigned after being cautioned for gross indecency and is now retired on a church pension .
2 He was released from Guy 's Hospital yesterday afternoon after being treated for severe lacerations to his wrists and arms .
3 She was critical but stable in Middlesbrough General Hospital last night after being left for dead when a Ford Cortina crashed into parked vehicles in Berwick Hills , Middlesbrough , on Sunday .
4 Then , instead of being played for visual comedy , as when the stewardess in 2001 walks through a half circle to exit upside down , still carrying her tray unspilt ( done by imperceptibly turning the camera 180° in the opposite direction as she walks in a treadmill ) , it 's a drama with wry comedy overtones as the nervous Curnow is supported by his braver Soviet oppo , Brailovsky ( Elya Baskin ) — a sequence largely performed by the actors themselves on wires .
5 To meet this need , high-power video lights have been developed from earlier photographic types which are capable of being run for long periods at full power .
6 This saving does not have the character of savings ‘ in general ’ , that of being saved for future consumption , but is saved by capitalists .
7 Ten years ago , they did n't take seriously the risk of being sued for passive smoking .
8 Despite being scheduled for late September , it 's still delayed as the label rushes to press enough copies to send it soaring up the charts on the heels of MUDHONEY 's pre-posthumous release .
9 Despite being scheduled for late September , it 's still delayed as the label rushes to press enough copies to send it soaring up the charts on the heels of MUDHONEY 's pre-posthumous release .
10 It may prevent extraordinary powers , like that of compulsorily acquiring land , from being abused for unauthorized purposes ; it may prevent a corporation , constituted for purposes of public utility , from endangering those purposes by engaging in other activities ; it may protect the creditors of a company from the dissipation of the company 's capital , to which alone , in the case of a limited company , they can look for payment , and the members from seeing their contributions applied to purposes for which they did not bargain .
11 The Association feared that if floodlighting caught on , clubs would be drawn into spending too much money , and it banned the new lights at Highbury from being used for official matches .
12 Officers were allowed to take part in board discussions , and they saw one of their main roles as being to help prevent negative decisions from being taken for trivial reasons .
13 A 1978 law already protected members of the security forces from being investigated for human rights abuses , and the then President , Augusto Pinochet , had stated in late 1989 as regards human rights that " the day one of my men is touched , the state of law is over " .
14 He stayed for five years — photographing cars and production lines — before being dismissed for habitual lateness ( he had dallied once too often taking pictures on the way to work ) .
15 Urine was diluted 25 to 100 times with TRIS-EDTA buffer ( 50 mM TRIS HCl , 4 mM EDTA , pH 7.5 ) before being assayed for cyclic nucleotides .
16 There rich specimen is opened in a nitrogen-filled glove box , photographed again , and the location , weight , and character of each subsample is meticulously documented before being allocated for scientific study .
17 This is why it is important to accustom the child to being rewarded for good behaviour — punishment is knowing what he or she is missing .
18 From a lonely boyhood to being left for dead in some alley , he had never looked to others for strength .
19 About half of the papers are rejected after being read by two editors without being sent for external peer review .
20 An increase in motoring costs would also bring revenue to the government , and could be made acceptable by being earmarked for corresponding improvements to public transport .
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