Example sentences of "[prep] her [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pat found herself wondering whether to return to Purley , but decided after all to establish herself in the South West and spread the Medau message by taking up teaching again after her rather brief retirement .
2 I enjoy reading her letters , and the way she describes the scenes , the weather , and the local gossip in Lochaber , especially after her very rare visits to Spean Bridge .
3 But in spite of her slightly forbidding looks , Mrs Webster was kind , if in a rather unimaginative way .
4 ‘ Of course , Doctor , ’ murmured Judy , gazing up at him through the dark crescents of her attractively long lashes .
5 Maybe nature did n't reflect her looks , or maybe because of her rather unruly appearance she had unconsciously made the inner person more … what ?
6 She only became aware of her rather foolish escapade when she found Alain towering over her , looking down at her with narrowed , amused eyes , his lips quirking very close to open laughter .
7 Or perhaps it was just the usual look of her rather weird eyes .
8 It would be great to talk to her again , to get a blast of her reassuringly down-to-earth Stateside common sense .
9 Protection of the surrounding skin is unnecessary , so there was no risk of her already fragile skin being damaged .
10 Mrs Pouncey 's introduction merits special mention for its touching account of her immensely rewarding marriage and her involvement in her husband 's career .
11 Most significant of all , this 1964 picture starred the woman with the most notable breasts in British movie history , yet who always managed — if only just and with the aid of her equally pretty hands — to keep them to herself , Barbara Windsor .
12 ‘ What ? ’ he demanded , disconcerted by the direct gaze , framed by the small white frill of her otherwise severe cap .
13 Kylie herself remembers the day she filmed her 542nd episode of Neighbours as being one of the worst of her otherwise happy life .
14 She wanted to be left alone , but now the tedium of her resolutely normal life is plastered across 190 pages .
15 The walls and the floors of her newly redecorated palace -rather garish many thought — are bare , The carpets and the pictures have been created and flown to one of her other homes — perhaps to Juan-les-Pins , perhaps top one of her two places in Paris , perhaps to the house of her fabulously rich businessman son on London , or perhaps to his island in the Seychelles , Her other son , a naval officer who will later pass , briefly and tragically , through this story , dined in his mothers palace one night in October 1978 and , pointing to the one picture remaining on the wall , said , " There 's one they forgot to take .
16 Now , as the throbbing drone of the aircraft 's engines broke through her dark memories , and she wearily attempted to make herself more comfortable in her seat , Laura almost groaned aloud when she looked back at the total innocence and naïveté of her much younger self .
17 Here was the BBC 's copy of her exceedingly rare volume of poems published in 1945 .
18 Although ever watchful of her enviously slim figure she was not obsessive , and loved to dine out .
19 But the battle was in vain , and McAllister , like Dr Neil and Rose , had to watch while all their efforts to save Effie were useless , and slowly her life leached away with her blood , leaving her white and drained on the bed , only the shouts of her now motherless baby breaking the silence of the room .
20 Clarissa came off sparkling with pleasure after one of her very successful numbers .
21 There was a wealth of passion in him , but whether — perhaps because of her very limited experience in these matters — something of her shyness had communicated itself to him or not , he had seemed to temper his passion , for the moment , to suit hers .
22 Her will makes a careful list of most of her very ordinary possessions ; perhaps the most valuable , sentimentally and financially , goes to Samuel Wates , in the form of ‘ Uncle John 's silver watch ’ — possibly the last remaining memento of her deceased brother .
23 ‘ Very well , especially yours , ’ he teased , running his hand up the length of her very sun-gilded leg to her thigh .
24 She missed her so dreadfully when she was away , as though a part of her very own body was missing .
25 Before the great day of their departure came , I experienced the sadness of France for one of her very brave sons .
26 I had never before seen such a soft light in those once proud eyes , or felt such a friendly touch of her once cold hand .
27 Britain fares particularly badly out of this , because of her unusually open economy , since it is possible for continental rivals to make bids in Britain .
28 This should be contrasted with the decision of the Court of Appeal in Griffiths v Peter Conway Ltd [ 1939 ] 1 All ER 685 where it was held that a buyer could not rely on this section when she contracted dermatitis from a Harris Tweed coat supplied because of her unusually sensitive skin .
29 Trouble and tragedy were two of her especially favourite words .
30 Unnerved , stricken with terror now , there was no choice ; but the darkness of her tightly shut eyelids offered no release .
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