Example sentences of "[prep] first [pers pn] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 She told me , too , of the mines , and how some of the young boys were terrified of going down the pit for the first time , but had to go , as there was no other work for them ; and how at first they had been put to work beside their father , loading the coal he cut , until they had overcome their fear .
2 At first they had been successful in maintaining their " right " — even against the Young King — but when Henry II himself marched into Berry , the balance of power shifted abruptly .
3 At first it had been harrowing , but he had grown used to it .
4 At first it had been like being spied on , but now she forgot them most of the time , except when she wanted to do something she should n't .
5 At first it had been merely a matter of borrowing her mother 's scarves and veils , draping these around herself or twisting them into turbans and sashes .
6 At first it had been an irritation but now he had grown strangely accustomed to it — a break from the monotonous silence that filled the prison .
7 At first it had been his physical beauty , then the cast of his mind .
8 At first it had been a shock and had made his heart beat faster .
9 She thought at first it had been shot .
10 At first it 'd been : ‘ if he marries again . ’
11 Posidonius confessed that at first he had been disturbed by the spectacle of human heads nailed up at the entrance of the aristocratic Celtic houses , but afterwards " becoming used to it he could bear it with equanimity " ( Strabo 4.4.5 ) .
12 It had , however , been the only one that Rory had been able to lay hold of , and at first he had been proud of it .
13 At first he had been simply bowled over by her enormous beauty , her laughter , her charm .
14 Who at first she thought was not Jim .
15 Topaz was soon to learn that the colourful and derogatory remarks which passed between Angela and Oswin meant nothing , but at first she had been startled .
16 At first she had been shy and reluctant — until she discovered the power over him this could give her — that she could always command his interest and attention by resurrecting some memory long buried by forgetfulness and , sometimes , shame .
17 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
18 A few yards up the hill , on my left , was a turning which at first I thought was just the entrance to a field .
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