Example sentences of "[prep] its [noun] make it " in BNC.

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1 The markings about its eyes made it savage , wolf-like , but it was only a fox , more discomposed than she at the meeting .
2 An l.e.d. requires 2V approximately between its ends to make it work and the output from the stereo would hardly achieve this or might only do so intermittently with loud sounds .
3 This time the army has gone out of its way to make it clear , publicly , that it has no views on what has been going on .
4 It is also ideal for swimming , and the gentle gradient of its shores makes it safe for children .
5 But its seventy-year history has distinct phases and has been increasingly unified by a self-conscious aim on the part of its practitioners to make it a ‘ science ’ .
6 However , the steepness of its banks made it impossible for vehicles to cross except by the bridge at the southern and of the town which , in 1815 , was only two and a half yards wide at its broadest point .
7 In association with Philips , Two-Can Multimedia is bringing out a CD-I ( Compact Disc Interactive ) version of its book Make It Work !
8 There were plenty of gates and there were numerous ways out of the square , and the park itself was barely a couple of hundred yards across ; just another backstreet pigeon trap with no feature other than a strange half-timbered lodge near its centre to make it unique , but still she hesitated to enter .
9 It is also writing safeguards into its software to make it less easy to copy .
10 He was lifting up the lamb 's head , pulling on its muzzle to make it bleat .
11 It 's a conventional dome tent with two poles running diagonally across its apex making it square-sided with long funnel-shaped bellends .
12 In the middle was a rosy little naked cupid ; the shaft of the one short hand came through his loins , and the rounded tip at its end made it very clear what it was meant to be .
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