Example sentences of "[prep] some [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My boss was telling me about some old boy right he had a beard for all his life yeah ?
2 She did not feel very close to her mother , although they had been through some rough times together :
3 Bernstein 's work has come in for some strong criticism recently .
4 Alternatively agreement may be reached between the husband and wife for some monetary payment so that the husband may keep the house in which case the consent order may be : It is ordered that the Respondent shall within 28 days from the date of this Order pay to the Petitioner the sum of £ and It is ordered that on receipt of the said sum of £the Petitioner do transfer all her estate and interest in the property at 1 Blackacre Drive , Blackacre to the Respondent .
5 Strangely , her mother 's moods , Agnes had noticed for some long time now , were more evident in the evening .
6 and the UndergrounD Group , as North and West cars continued to be overhauled at Hendon and South and East cars at Charlton , for some long time afterwards .
7 I used to go to Orkney for to go and asked for some cardboard boxes only we call them pasteboard boxes .
8 But for all that , in its basics it was indisputably the same Indian-made version of the 1956 Morris Oxford that had lorded it over the roads of India for some thirty-odd years now .
9 By abuse here 1 mean not only illegal uses of violence by those who are in defined circumstances entitled to use force , but the legal use of force where the objectives are antithetical to social order or for some other reasons morally objectionable .
10 Then he seemed to disappear , I 'm sure I heard about him playing for some other club once , but ca n't remember who .
11 Under ‘ Remand homes ’ it says every county and borough must arrange for some special remand home to be used ‘ for children and young persons only , and to which older persons are not to be sent ’ .
12 In the far more complex factory environment the skilled maintenance engineer is likely to have a role for some considerable time yet .
13 Young Richard would be kept busy with his learning for some considerable time yet , Cissie would not be ready to come home until tea-time , and David had warned her that it would be late when he and his ‘ father ’ returned , especially as Luther had expressed a desire to ‘ celebrate afterwards ’ .
14 He wrote to thank the Goldsmiths , but also had the temerity to ask " if they considered him bound to continue in his office for some considerable time longer and not to seek a more remunerative one " .
15 This country has a static but ageing population and will continue to have one for some considerable time ahead even if the birthrate kicks upward again .
16 Whilst I have said 2 years as the expected time to be collecting Community Charge I think this should be qualified with 2 years plus , with income being received for some considerable time thereafter especially through Sheriff Officers .
17 In summary , we can say that rugs were used by a number of civilizations , ranging from Greece through to Central Asia , during the first millennium BC , and were probably in existence for some considerable time before .
18 A DOCTOR spent last night shivering in a frozen food store room in preparation for some cold nights ahead .
19 But the Germans admired them for their toughness and energy and in 1898 persuaded Britain , which then ran Bougainville , to swap the island for some German possessions elsewhere in the Pacific .
20 The Agia Triadha sarcophagus is invaluable in showing us the funeral ceremonies that were offered for some important person around 1400 BC .
21 She longed for some proper clothes too — having to wear one of his large baggy T-shirts was doing nothing for her self-image .
22 This may indeed sometimes be so , but , as before , the early modern period may provide grounds for some cultural distinctions within and against the psychoanalytic project .
23 Dear Julie gets drunk and for some bizarre reason suddenly starts feeling you up under the table while we 're nibbling our cheese and biscuits , and making pathetic double-entendres , and attacks you outside the bathroom ; totally unprovoked , of course , and it 's all just the drink talking .
24 Judging by the thickness of the file in front of me we are going to be working together for some little time yet .
25 But they had been chosen for some little time already .
26 The stage set is a masterpiece of ingenuity and construction skills , and despite some acoustic problems yet to be solved , no praise could be too high for the really splendid contribution of the Ulster Orchestra under our own Christopher Bell , who has also conducted the work in Dublin .
27 Chromium-plated hand-grips which are an integral part of some modern baths also help the elderly to rise more easily .
28 the presence of some uncontrollable children rather marred the proceedings .
29 They had been found guilty of five murders , having entered a house of some neighbouring villagers earlier in the month and clubbed to death five members of one family .
30 So also Daniel , walking with Stephanie on Filey beach , had suddenly , out of some metaphorical experience as bodily as breathing , known why love was called " sweet " and , as his blood banged , why a beloved was a " sweet heart " .
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