Example sentences of "[prep] your [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 " I do n't want you to do anything that might attract the least sort of suspicion to yourself , but could you , in the normal course of your work , make out a list of the voyages of your ships over the past year — just name of ship and masters , ports of call , and dates ? "
2 In answer to the question ‘ How about the attitude of your employers over the years ?
3 Unless you 've taken good care of your windows over the years , they are probably looking a little peaky — and may be downright poorly .
4 I promised in my five minute address last year that I would be a listener and I 've already listened to many of your views over the last twelve months and indeed today .
5 If you do your searches during the evening when the crowds have departed you will be able to sweep the head of your detector over the very spots where people dropped their cash .
6 My eventual decision may very well depend upon your behaviour over the next few weeks .
7 He can lay in your quarters over the stable , Hawkins .
8 Clerical Medical has designed this Plan to help you to make the most of the profit from your savings over the next 10 years .
9 For various reasons several of our most active members will be unable to give their valuable support to your committee over the coming months .
10 in the January edition of She magazine , but although it 's the January edition , it er does pertain to Christmas , because it 's all about the guests you invite to your home over the festive period , some of whom you could well do without .
11 So , lie flat on your back over the pivot on a seesaw , and arrange yourself so that it balances .
12 Instant access to your savings in unlikely to be your prime concern , but you will be looking to obtain an attractive return on your money over the longer term .
13 It is designed to give you a good return on your money over the longer term .
14 Colleagues , er since we meet in Portsmouth , let me begin by pinning my colours firmly to the mast and acknowledging that the one issue that will dominate my comments here this morning , alluding to anything else in the time that 's allocated to me , in moving my report I think would simply not reflect my activities on your behalf over the last twelve months .
15 Or think about any fantasy of disaster which has repeatedly flitted across your mind over the years .
16 We 've guided you through your training over the months , now here are a few last-minute tips to see you on your way .
17 This spectacular fall happens when a gust of wind hits the sail and you are thrown off your feet over the boom .
18 Can I thank you for your support over the season and on behalf of everyone at Elland Road wish you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year .
19 He wrote : ‘ Thanks for your hospitality over the past few weeks and for helping me see where I have gone wrong . ’
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