Example sentences of "[prep] what [noun] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In others he will have virtually no guidance , beyond looking at the relatively few determinate sentences for attempted murder and considering what adjustment should be made for the fact that death ensued .
2 I am presently considering what measures should be included in the first Welsh Agri-Environment Plan and will consult widely about them in due course .
3 Jonathan Gershuny , now a Professor at the University of Bath and previously a colleague of Chris Freeman at the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University , takes a particularly optimistic view of what work will be like in the future ( Gershuny 1978 ) .
4 ( If the expression ‘ form of life ’ is found puzzling , think of what life would be like if we never asked people to do or not to do things , never apologised for doing or not doing things , and so on . )
5 Reassessing the skills you bring back to nursing or health visiting can be a worthwhile preparation for returning to practice , even if you feel a poor judge of what skills might be most needed in the future .
6 This is a foretaste of what things will be like — if the polls are correct — over the next five years .
7 Over the next 18 months the inquiry will produce Labour 's vision of what inner-cities should be like .
8 Over the next 18 months the inquiry will produce Labour 's vision of what inner-cities should be like .
9 And so we went around and around in circles , trying to get some idea of what money would be available , but never succeeding .
10 This showed him sitting at a desk , pencil in hand : his mother 's vision of what school should be about .
11 In fact , it is only a slight exaggeration to say that the main deterrent effect of monopoly policy has been not the threat of what changes might be required as a result of the MMC investigation , but the threat of having to tie up a large quantity of senior executives ' time to argue the firm 's case in the event that its activities attract a reference to the MMC .
12 If Irenius in A Present View was a masculine version of Ireland , Eirena is a feminine personification ( though both , of course , are English prescriptions of what Ireland should be ) .
13 Fabia quickly , if reluctantly in the light of what Cara must be going through , had to state .
14 We get some glimpse of what conditions would be like without water by observing modern deserts , which commonly fluctuate from +45°C to around zero , in the course of twelve hours !
15 We 'd already come to know rapping via The Sugarhill Gang 's success a couple of years before , but this was a novel thing , a glimpse of what music would be like in the future .
16 It was n't only the thought of what Liti would be like when they were alone .
17 After almost 10 years in University history teaching I was concerned that my students seemed to have very little idea of how history actually came to be written and of what criteria might be used to decide whether one book was more worth reading than another .
18 In resolving the question of what matters will be held to go to jurisdiction it is necessary to steer a course between Scylla and Charybdis .
19 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
20 the question of what balance can be attained in a book is a familiar problem to literary critics , who are divided in their views into at least two camps , one favouring attention being paid mostly to the text itself , while the other prefers to take other questions into account , including the effect the writer 's life may have on the text .
21 This follows from the natural reading of the legislation and although the case of Congreve v IRC ( 1948 ) 30 TC 163 was overruled by the House of Lords in Vestey v IRC on the central point of what individuals can be liable to tax under s739 , this point was not specifically referred to by the House of Lords .
22 TEST_MODE — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to enter all eligible modules ( TEST_MODE = FALSE ) or only give a report of what modules could be entered ( TEST_MODE = TRUE ) .
23 Such an argument , in implying that the problem is simply a question of the lack of history or of its presence , as if history were some undifferentiated entity that could just be added or taken away , stepped into or got out of , skates over the fact that the real question has always focused on the much more difficult issue of what kind of history , and of what status can be accorded to historical thought .
24 Expressing such a duty as a duty to further the interests of the enterprise is unhelpful , however , since the formulation has very limited information content : it fails to identify the relevant constituencies and gives no indication of what priority should be afforded to them inter se .
25 The guide provides three simple checklists of what information should be given at the first appointment , during and at the end of the case .
26 The title raises a question of what Sarrasine might be : a noun , a name , a thing , a man , a woman ?
27 This is because our semantic model ( chosen because it expresses the weakest equivalence required for most practical correctness issues ) does not distinguish between processes on the grounds of what communications can be observed after the refusal of specific sets .
28 Such an invitation should give an indication of what pictures could be taken or which parts of the event lend themselves to photographs .
29 Certainly Ayer has a different view of what facts can be construed from those observations than they do .
30 Or he gave them the impression that he wrestled , with limbs contorted , in the effort to seize hold of what truth could be found .
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