Example sentences of "[prep] which [noun] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 Accessing this part of the package requires no fiddling with anything in DOS , but needs you to connect the two computers between which files are to be passed via either a parallel or serial lead .
2 The Delegates Conference during the Scarborough Congress in 1968 accordingly recommended " a long-term enquiry during which branches were to be encouraged to consider the question carefully and to invite speakers on the subject , followed by a postal vote by individual members for guidance on future policy . "
3 More recently the Alliance has been awarded a 40 per cent interest in a deepwater block — 15 — for which Exxon is to be operator .
4 The new policies which would emerge for discussion in an autumn 1990 white paper would take matter well beyond the December 1989 Green Bill , which does not include carbon dioxide among the gases for which standards are to be set .
5 Langenderfer ( 1973 ) suggests a normative view of accounting which considers three aspects : the nature of the information it provides ; to whom the information is provided ; and the purposes for which information is to be provided .
6 In 1529 the reading , purchasing or possessing of proscribed books , attendance at any meeting of heretics , disputing about Holy Scripture , and want of respect for the images of God and the saints were all made crimes for which men were to be beheaded , women buried alive , and relapsed heretics burned .
7 There is no limit on the number of volume sets which may be defined for a particular installation , as the number produced depends on the number of charge codes for which modules are to be hard copied and the number of modules to be hard copied for those charge codes .
8 Article 3(1) specifies offences for which extradition is to be reciprocally granted ; but article 3(2) provides that extradition is also to be granted for participation in those offences , provided that the participation was punishable by the laws of both high contracting parties .
9 At this same meeting it was reported that Charles Vial had presented 10 copies of his plan of 19 March 1790 , for establishing an institution to cultivate and teach veterinary medicine , for which thanks were to be transmitted by the secretary .
10 It was intended to produce a secure annual income of £17 , of which £10 was to be devoted to the salary of the schoolmaster-priest in Stockport and £4 6 8d to the priest at the chapel in Longdendale .
11 There were to be brief respites from the prolonged drought , one of which Gould was to be most fortunate to encounter , but the settlers were still facing a period of unparalleled hardship .
12 For as he increases the number of categories in terms of which phenomena are to be explained , he at the same time multiplies the number of relations between them ; and since each factor is in some way dependent on a large number of others , the resulting range of possible variations is immense .
13 Instead we can see it as completing the specification of which operation is to be performed .
14 The turmoil that emerged both immediately before and after Mayer 's departure epitomized , perhaps more than in any other of the major Hollywood studios , the convulsions of change that were sweeping through the film capital , eventually spawning an underground of new , raw and raucous talent of which Nicholson was to be part .
15 On April 9 the UN appealed for $400,000,000 , of which $238,500,000 was to be allocated to the UNHCR to cover the most urgent needs of an estimated 1,500,000 refugees in Iran and Turkey over three months .
16 Four days later the Military Council , which had ruled in Georgia since the flight of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in January [ see pp. 38731-32 ] , transferred its legislative and executive powers to a newly created State Council of which Shevardnadze was to be the chair .
17 The success criteria against which developments are to be judged could be :
18 James has always recalled this as a happy period in his racing career : F3 was friendly , money was short , but everyone mucked in together and drivers were friends , not just gigantic slot-machines into which money was to be poured .
19 Clause 74 provides for the valuation bands into which dwellings are to be placed and which have already been described in the Domestic Property ( Valuation ) ( Scotland ) Regulations 1991 .
20 In the spring of 1325 Isabella reached an agreement with Charles under which Gascony was to be occupied by the French until Edward did homage to Charles , when the duchy would be restored to him .
21 In addition , the case was decided under the provisions of the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , under which reasonableness was to be assessed at the time of breach .
22 According to the Clarkes ' evidence in the Old Bailey court , Atra signed a contract with Virgin in September 1975 , under which Virgin were to directly handle certain Atra recordings .
23 It may well be that he could be described as a statutory tenant ; but that description would not itself accurately define his precise position , for he was a statutory tenant against whom a final order had been made , under which possession was to be delivered up on a fixed date , 3 April 1950 , he having died on the previous 8 March .
24 Progress on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project , expected to become an important additional source of income and employment , was not expected to be affected by the political crisis in February 1990 ; the military government confirmed its intention of proceeding with the scheme under which hydroelectricity was to be generated in Lesotho and water was to be diverted from a catchment area in Lesotho to South Africa 's industrial heartland in the Transvaal [ see pp. 31304 ; 34789 ; 35815 ] .
25 Any Party wishing to make any such publication or disclosure shall in requesting such consent submit details of the intended publication or disclosure to the Chairman of the Project Committee and may specify a reasonable time within which consent is to be given .
26 Reporting officers require induction training , and should be issued with policy guidelines on the way in which reports are to be undertaken .
27 Augustine must smash the idols , but the temples themselves should be sprinkled with holy water and altars set up in them in which relics are to be enclosed …
28 It is a named portion of accessible storage space in which records are to be stored .
29 Here Tennyson combines language and imagery to portray an awesomly haunting picture of the boat in which Arthur is to be placed for his trip to a new world .
30 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
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