Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 We talk about decisions as if there was always a point in time before which the decision was not made arid after which it has been made .
2 At the end of the debate , the House will give its support for the Prime Minister carrying on playing a full part in European evolution — an evolution about which we have been too hesitant for too long .
3 Furthermore , even if the person warned did not repeat the conduct about which he had been warned , he could be arrested if he engaged in a different act or course of offensive conduct .
4 It dealt with something about which I had been writing to Social Security Ministers for about six months — abuse of the benefit-in-kind regulations , whereby highly paid people were paying themselves in gilt unit trusts .
5 The size of the waves is governed largely by the time during which they have been moving under the influence of the-wind .
6 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
7 Yet in the 20 or so years during which we have been associated with processions and demonstrations about the A427 , not a single bypass has been built .
8 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
9 The period during which I have been writing this chapter has seen one of the worst staffing levels ever at the women 's flat .
10 In the 14 years since 1978 , during which I have been the only consultant physician in respiratory medicine in West Cumbria , there should , according to the above statistics , have been at least 70 deaths from asthma and yet I know of very few , having personal knowledge of only three .
11 However , in his central theology and sense of the nature of religion in general and Catholicism in particular , he remained extraordinarily faithful to the papacy of Pius XII during which he had been trained and ordained .
12 A MAN told the High Court sitting in Glasgow yesterday of an ordeal at an Argyll quarry during which he had been repeatedly beaten , burnt with a cigarette , had a car driven over his legs and almost hanged .
13 The horse was quite impressive when winning at Haydock and could record his fourth consecutive victory of the season , during which he has been unbeaten .
14 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
15 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
16 AFTER a total of 36 years ' service in the nuclear industry — during which she has been personal secretary to no fewer than three chairmen — Dorothy Ashurst has retired .
17 Moreover , it was possible to reconstruct a universe in which Christian doctrines remained intact , even if the imagery through which they had been expressed was gradually discarded .
18 It ran beside a broad , shaded boulevard of feathery pepper trees , and the sudden sight of European-style buildings made him reflect that the jungles , fields and villages through which they 'd been moving for the past few hours had remained unchanging throughout many centuries .
19 Past history is thus significant as the occasion by which we have been enabled to see what otherwise we might have failed to grasp ; but the real content of the revelation is in principle detachable from the particular history through which it has been manifested .
20 Dauntless cursed the ballot through which he had been burdened with this particular region to patrol .
21 The jagged hole through which he 'd been propelled some minutes before now rushed past his face once every minute or so .
22 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
23 Halfway outbound in the hold the scheduled traffic for which we 'd been waiting landed , and we swooped down , just catching the ILS .
24 Mr Shrigley said two of the women had died from the serious illnesses for which they had been admitted to the hospital .
25 The Institute published guidance ( no longer extant ) on the need to state clearly the addressees of reports , the purposes for which they had been prepared and to exclude purposes for which reports were not intended .
26 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
27 In this job market , the qualifications for which they had been encouraged to strive at school were often of little use to them outside where ‘ who you knew ’ was often more useful than ‘ what you knew ’ .
28 The mood of the Parisians , when they heard the news for which they had been waiting so long , was recorded by a young Welshman living in a rented room on the Ile de la Cité .
29 On the day I came up here , there were no workmen and the deserted new village was occupied only by horses , wandering at liberty between the half-finished buildings , the machinery and the piles of materials — hardly the setting for which they had been intended when set loose for the summer to forage for themselves .
30 They wound Sycorax 's light dry spoil in two banana leaves , laid lengthwise and sewn together with dried strips of aloe , and then chose to dig a vertical grave at the foot of the saman tree , the designated place , for which they had been granted permission .
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