Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun] and go " in BNC.

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1 He closed the door of his study and went across the landing to the bathroom .
2 In his first State of the Union message , Reagan reiterated the essentials of his programme and went on to call for an increase in defence spending of $7.2 billion and cuts in excess of $40 billion from the proposed 1982 budget of $740 billion .
3 He pushed open the arched wooden door of his house and went in , leaving Ruth standing out on the terrace .
4 Margaret kissed the side of his cheek and went to gather daisies in the grass and make a daisy chain to lead her new friend and spectacular pet through all the illuminated and flower strewn pages of Christian manuscripts .
5 He swallowed the last of his coffee and went to his room to inspect his wardrobe .
6 Most of the ballroom saw the despatch being given , and could tell from Webster 's dust-stained boots that he must have ridden hard to bring the paper to Brussels , but the Prince merely thrust the despatch into a pocket of his coat and went back to his scrutiny of the younger women .
7 I said the collar and the lead , match so he bought the collar out of his pocket and goes
8 She simply got up , scrambled some old jeans on , pinched one of his shirts and went off on her bike .
9 ‘ And you 're wrong , ’ he says , getting out of his seat and going to the corner of the room .
10 ‘ Sorry , ’ Andy muttered , not sounding sorry at all , getting unsteadily out of his seat and going to where the bits of glass lay broken on the carpet .
11 One day just below their balcony a man had got out of his car and gone to the car in front and opened that car 's door and started shouting at the man inside , and then the car behind had started hooting and others had joined in .
12 Standing on their hind legs with front paws resting on the deep window sills , they saw Mark getting out of his car and went berserk .
13 He drove up , got out of his car and went in — ’
14 Sean , 32 , is pleased with the biggest break of his career and going on the road with one of his all-time favourite groups .
15 Adam leaned down and stroked the pale ginger fur ; the cat curled up against his feet and went to sleep .
16 And Stuart sat down in , because they got these wooden old chairs , have n't they with arms on them and he he sat there like this with his arm and went , I said Stuart whatever 's that on your arm ?
17 It was then that she looked into his eyes and went cold with shock .
18 So Summerchild locks up his office and goes down the narrow staircase .
19 Then he hid it under his coat and went back to his place .
20 I ducked under his arm and went on my knees .
21 Carson tucked the diaries under his arm and went through into the empty lounge .
22 see Len come along , used to run and jump up at , onto his shoulder and go round the garden shoulders !
23 Tess felt she was in his way and went to the kitchen .
24 ‘ For Pete 's sake ! ’ he muttered moodily , and shoved his hands in his pockets and went to stare into the empty fireplace .
25 She heard the impatience in his tone and went on even more firmly , ‘ It would simply be that it fits in with my long-term plan , which is to get a wide range of experience before going on an extended working holiday overseas . ’
26 Twenty minutes into the game , he jolted a disc in his back and went off to see his replacement , Rob Wainwright , come on and make a name for himself .
27 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
28 Whenever the circus came to a new town he used to dress up in his costume and go out into the streets with a clown on stilts and do a turn .
29 And there was a funny silence and Dylan said that he 'd bet I could n't do that scream like that with a cigarette in my mouth and I shook off the centuries , stopped staring , smiled a little , noted that he had indeed monumentally screamed with a cigarette in his mouth and went stunned back to my crossword . ’
30 Fabia quite enjoyed being back in his drawing-room and went to the couch on which she 'd sat earlier .
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