Example sentences of "[prep] this may be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The matrix ligand for this may be a newly discovered trimeric basement membrane component known as BM-600 , nicein , kalinin , or epiligrin .
2 One reason for this may be a desire to protect from criminal liability men whose conduct is not universally regarded as criminal .
3 It is suggested that one of the reasons for this may be a cyclical process , whereby some research supervisors set their students problems in areas where they themselves undertook their own Ph D research .
4 One reason for this may be the doctrine of corporate liability in English criminal law ( discussed in Chapter 4.3 , and found to be unsatisfactory ) ; in particular , it may be difficult to establish the fault necessary for manslaughter , although easier to secure a conviction under legislation on railways or merchant shipping .
5 A primary reason for this may be the differences in average educational status , which tends to be lower among rural people , though it has been shown that rural residence ( from birth ) can influence child mortality levels over and beyond the effect caused by differences between the two areas in educational standards .
6 A reason for this may be the relatively short study period which was probably not sufficient for the bacterial population in more proximal areas of the colon to equilibrate with that measured in faeces .
7 An unfavourable side-effect of this may be a reduction in demand for some other fuel , like coal .
8 As we have seen , some of this may be the result of not appreciating all the functions of the known sites until recently , but it seems mainly to be the result of landscape changes .
9 The determination of the price is very important since the lack of this may be an indication that the contract has not been concluded .
10 DSSSL is a standard aimed at an important area , but including this may be a longer-term change as the current draft standard is unusable ( there were 300 pages of adverse comments submitted during the recent international ballot ) .
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