Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Doctor see about this hair of mine , it 's just not coming back in .
2 She wanted to forget all about this man beside her , just as he seemed to have forgotten about her .
3 Do you think we could do you think we could forget about this plan of ours for stardom ?
4 ‘ And now , if we could get back to the point , I believe you were about to explain to me about this proposition of yours ? ’
5 ‘ Tell me a bit about this course of yours , love .
6 Few words had passed between them over the past week , and now she could see that it was with an effort he said , ‘ Your mother tells me about this idea of hers .
7 No doubt he used some rather choice language about this hypothesis of his .
8 ‘ Ned 's a bit concerned about this inheritance of yours .
9 I do n't feel very good about this part of it , Joe . ’
10 ‘ So tell me about this case of yours . ’
11 ‘ May I consult my sticks about this matter for you ? ’
12 Hotspur had felt some curiosity about this father of hers , for she was not a woman whose antecedents could easily be guessed at .
13 So why do n't you tell me all about this experiment of yours ?
14 So we 've looked at asking question visuals We 've got involving trainees which , with which we talking about involving trainees think about this side of it erm I suppose this is one of the best ways to show Training should be chunky The idea is that you put in your input yeah you talked around a subject and give you some guidelines , then we get a chance to practise the participation .
15 ‘ Tell me more about this family of yours . ’
16 did you ever hear anything about this business of them distilling whisky ?
17 ‘ But the most difficult thing about this band for me is actually playing parts live and singing at the same time !
18 Susan and Gay were the people she liked best in the world , and when her father died she had made a mental vow that she would do everything in her power to make life happy for this sister of hers who had worked so hard and shown such courage .
19 AA research shows that 64 per cent of motorists use their cars for this purpose -among them , semi-skilled and unskilled workers for whom the car is an absolute necessity .
20 BELVILLE : [ sarcastically ] What do you design , madam , to do with or for this Pamela of yours ?
21 ‘ Now , where 's the best place acoustically for this wireless of mine ? ’
22 I started to thank God for this colleague of mine and his gifts and commitment .
23 For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life ; he was lost and is found ( Luke 15:24 ) .
24 too bad for this time of I bet we 're doing better this year , this time of the year than we did last .
25 ’ Eleanor Thorne shook her head , laughing , for this visitor of hers understood so well .
26 Her desire for such a life was so passionate , and her gratitude to Walter for this glimpse of it was so great that she could have kissed him in the street , and later that day she did in fact allow him to undo her brassiere strap without a word of protest .
27 Appendix B. Right , Chris has already been through this part of it .
28 Through this over-anxiety for her and consequent blindness to her real needs , the whole relationship between them is destroyed .
29 Hence the discussion which follows is deliberately directed towards this aspect of them .
30 ‘ We have regular meetings with the directors of Liverpool FC and we will take the results of this survey to them .
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