Example sentences of "[prep] if i [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I feel as if I am poised somewhere on the edge of a slope , and about to slide down when I am supposed to be climbing up .
2 ‘ Do I look as if I am joking , Miss Bishop ? ’
3 I will not say that much of this debate has been irrelevant , because that sounds as if I am dismissing what has been said , which I am not , but it is irrelevant in the context of 1993 , because the advent of the new system will answer many of the problems that have been identified .
4 I feel as if I am watching something happen to someone else . ’
5 Does it sound as if I am striving to avoid saying that the music is boring ?
6 But Calatin 's banqueting hall and the house in the forest had wavered and grown dim — ‘ as if I am seeing it through water , ’ thought Fergus — and there had been a great heaviness within him so that it was difficult to breathe .
7 ‘ Do I look as if I am jesting ? ’
8 Then why do I always feel as if I am falling off the edge of a cliff ?
9 Neighbours and friends tell me that when I am racing you can hear the noise right down the street ; it is as if I am running in Dad 's front room !
10 He said that it was like taking dictation , ‘ as if I was ghosting for another man ’ .
11 Other times , it is as if I was writing about someone else .
12 I looked as if I was reading the paper , but my mind was going over the events at Ingard House , and the curious discrepancy in the stories about Andrew Stavanger .
13 as if I was stealing a mug you know .
14 In order to do this I decided to work loosely with the oils as if I was using watercolours , thinning with genuine turpentine and allowing colours to bleed into one another .
15 At one point I felt as if I was drifting slowly across a huge , vivid moviescreen , so large I could n't see its edges .
16 It was like — almost as if I was trying to answer them , in my mind .
17 We began to discuss what should be done and how I would manage to support the children , and if , from time to time , I had the feeling that something was wrong , it was only in a distant , elusive way , as if I was listening to someone playing a piano on the other side of the road and hearing occasionally , but only occasionally , a wrong note .
18 He gave me an odd look as if I was telling strange stories .
19 ‘ I felt as if I was beginning to fade . ’
20 It was fascinating , I felt as if I was learning about another world .
21 I felt as if I was taking part in history and the results were spectacular .
22 as if I was holding the thought in my hands , looking at it , turning it about .
23 Let me luv thee my own road , as if I was bringin' the money ‘ ome .
24 It was almost as if I was intended to see that they were not really supernatural ; and there was Conchis 's cryptic , doubt-sowing advice that it would be easier if I pretended to believe .
25 As we went out through the kitchen door , I dropped my talcum powder and things and stood to one side , towards the window-sill , as if I was looking to see where they 'd gone .
26 These , however , have to co-exist next to real lulus like , ‘ Being a mole I felt as if I was living on burrowed time . ’
27 I felt as if I was screaming and not making any noise .
28 He put his hand on my forehead as if I was running a fever .
29 It was awful , because although I 'd worn the dress all day , and stuck up for myself , I did feel bad about it ; they made me feel bad , sort of guilty , as if I was showing off my body .
30 It made my life a bit unbearable for a while and made it look as if I was attacking Michael , which I was n't . ’
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