Example sentences of "[prep] an end to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The alliance plays on the prospect of an end to the US trade embargo and increased foreign aid in the event of an UNO victory .
2 The alliance plays on the prospect of an end to the US trade embargo and increased foreign aid in the event of an UNO victory .
3 Expectations of an end to the 30-year civil war in Guatemala were raised by the signing of the " Mexican Accord " in April 1991 [ see p. 38141 ; for 1990 peace talks see pp. 37372 ; 37527 ; 37707 ] .
4 Namibia has raised the prospects of an end to the culling of seals next year , if tourists come in sufficient numbers to view them .
5 As taxpayers we are entitled to know why intelligence services failed to spot signs of an end to the Cold War .
6 ANDES argues that only through reforms in the social and economic structure of the country , and with an end to the concentration of power in the hands of the oligarchy , can the inadequacies and inequalities of the Salvadorean education system be overcome .
7 The reforms appeared to address the principal demands of the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) — including an end to the one-party system , free elections and a market economy .
8 The ban led to New Zealand 's suspension from ANZUS , the trilateral defence treaty signed in 1951 , and an effective freezing of relations with the USA , including an end to the exchange of intelligence information and the holding of joint military exercises .
9 As an end to the argument this remark was a great success .
10 On May 11 the Interior and Security Minister broadcast an appeal for an end to an " intolerable resurgence of banditry " .
11 West German officials imagine that the Russians were particularly keen for an end to the crisis because President Gorbachev would have disliked attending East Germany 's 40th anniversary celebrations on Saturday while this spectacular testimony to his hosts ' illiberalism continued .
12 At Moscow 's insistance the resolution includes a call for an end to the fighting between the mujahedin and the Kabul government , but the appeal for a ceasefire is made in the context of a broad political settlement being reached , the diplomats stressed .
13 These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other EC states in favour of levying VAT on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .
14 THOUSANDS of demonstrators marched through the Moscow streets yesterday calling for an end to the Communist Party 's monopoly of power , in the first independent parade to be held on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution since Stalin imposed totalitarian conformity on the Soviet Union .
15 Waltham Forest health authority , which includes Mr Norman Tebbit 's Chingford constituency , in Essex , has become the second health authority to call for an end to the dispute by either negotiation or arbitration .
16 Chile called for an end to the fighting and refused to recognise the new Panamanian leader , Mr Guillermo Endara .
17 It calls for an end to the fighting , and re-asserts the OAS principles of non-interference in the internal afairs of other states and no military action against a fellow OAS member except in the case of aggression .
18 The Milan-based Centre for Cetacean Studies , in association with several other wildlife and research groups , has petitioned the Italian Government for an end to the swordfish drift-net fishery , warning that the cetacean populations of the Italian seas would otherwise be at risk of extinction by the year 2000 .
19 There is little comfort for foreign creditors hoping for an end to the six-month moratorium on debt payments .
20 In later years , by contrast , he came to speak in public less and less frequently , despite being repeatedly urged to do so by Goebbels and others , evidently realizing only too well how closely the effectiveness of his rhetoric was dependent on being able to report success and to hold out hope for an end to the war .
21 The clashes spread to the republic 's parliament building yesterday afternoon , when suspected Serb gunmen opened fire on tens of thousands of demonstrators , who had braved the troubled streets to call for an end to the spiralling violence .
22 It was clear that the London meeting had strengthened the Entente and , as a bonus , hopes for an end to the war seemed well founded .
23 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the use of animals in cosmetic-testing in particular and product-testing in general .
24 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the coercive use of any animal in military research , or in such research topics as the deleterious effects of smoking , maternal deprivation and drug addiction .
25 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the traditions of ‘ sport ’ hunting and trapping of wildlife .
26 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the commerce in the skins of other animals for purposes of human vanity .
27 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the capture and training of wild animals , for purposes of entertainment .
28 He draws an analogy between the decline of mass production ( and consumption ) and the pressures for an end to the standardized service delivery ( and what he calls ‘ people processing ’ ) of the local welfare state .
29 Those days ( 1956 ) were times of hope for frank discussion and for an end to the long Cold War .
30 Some critics , including the US government 's attorney general , have called for an end to the insanity plea altogether .
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