Example sentences of "[prep] an [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If permission were given after an application to the planning committee , the monument would be erected east of the Nelson monument above the former Royal High School building , which would have housed a Scottish parliament if the Conservatives had lost the general election last April .
2 After an appeal to the Bundesgerichtshof , the European Court of Justice affirmed that a fresh examination had to be made under Article 27(2) , and the court in the state where enforcement was sought was not bound by the determination made under Article 15 of the Hague Convention .
3 Mrs Hawkins agreed to put it into practice after an appeal to the public .
4 The death penalty , upheld after an appeal to the Supreme Court on Feb. 16 and subsequently confirmed by the Council of State chaired by President Fidel Castro , had been passed on Feb. 5 by the Havana Popular Provincial Court .
5 In 1286 he joined Edward in Gascony , after an embassy to the papal curia , and in 1289–90 he journeyed once again to the curia to discuss , inter alia , the granting of a papal dispensation for the marriage of Edward of Carnarvon , Edward 's son , to Margaret of Scotland , the Maid of Norway [ q.v. ] , and Edward 's projected crusade .
6 Despite an interruption to the race and appalling weather , he ran 622 miles , covering over 100 miles a day and running further on each consecutive day .
7 This was only the fourteenth successful ascent , and his account of this exploit , published in 1828 , Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc , on the 8th and 9th August , 1827 , is a classic of Alpine literature : a vivid narrative of the pleasures and perils of mountaineering enhanced by examples of his skilful draughtsmanship made on the journey .
8 In fact , it does n't matter how remote , how poor is the resemblance of an insect to a stick , there must be some level of twilight , or some degree of distance away from the eye , or some degree of distraction of the predator 's attention , such that even a very good eye will be fooled by the remote resemblance .
9 In fact , behind the bland constitutional concern to protect human rights through a Bill of Rights , there often lurks a partisan and intensely political concern to restrict the role of the state because of an attachment to a theory of limited government , born of a desire to use the law to defend the private sphere and capitalism , so hitting at the possibility of socialism and the democratic road to its attainment .
10 The separate international personality of an international organisation with treaty-making power sets up another third party relationship that did not arise under the 1969 Convention , that of the member States of an organisation to a treaty concluded between the organisation and a State , or another organisation .
11 Now that we have the outline of an approach to the study of the meanings of words , we can turn our attention to the task of providing a more exact characterisation of the linguistic units which will form the objects of our study .
12 Thus to is used with the infinitive both for the lexical and grammatical meaning it brings into the context : its lexical meaning of an approach to the infinitive event from a position before is called for by the relative position in time of the extra-infinitival spatial support with respect to the position occupied by non-ordinalized person at the beginning of the infinitive 's event ; its grammatical meaning as an establisher of a relation where the inherent mechanism of incidence is inoperative is called for by the fact that the event can not otherwise be represented as incident to the extra-infinitival support since the latter is not already situated at the beginning of the event , i.e. is not within the confines of event time .
13 It is quite clear that in the 17th and 18th centuries and , indeed , up to the enactment of the Judicature Act 1873 the courts , and in particular the Court of King 's Bench , consistently declined to exercise any jurisdiction over any matters in which a right of appeal lay from the benchers of an Inn to the judges sitting as a domestic tribunal .
14 The power is wide enough on the one hand to allow the statement of an eye-witness to an accident to express an opinion ( eg that one of the drivers was going too fast ) and on the other hand to allow a party to put in a medical report from a doctor who has died or who can not be called for any other reason .
15 Furthermore , specific surface active groups , van der Waals ' forces , electric field gradients , steric effects etc are bound to modify the approach of an analyte to the surface .
16 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
17 Did the performance of an oath to the king of France in fact entail the subsequent performance of feudal services by the king-dukes ?
18 ‘ I feel a person in my own right , instead of an appendage to the family . ’
19 A careful , just and public system of this kind may be a fairer way of deciding between competing bids for scarce resources than leaving the fate of an elder to the personal impressions or abilities of a practitioner .
20 Neither side has yet lost a Twickenham final , which adds a little bit of an edge to the occasion .
21 Similarly , ‘ throwing missiles ’ embraces a number of possible behaviours ranging from the hurling of an orange to the lobbing of petrol bombs ( Dunning et al. , 1986 ) .
22 And I just spent three quarters of an hour to an hour with him and he said , Well I 've had a look at this erm , no thanks not for me .
23 Erm , we 're not too far removed from er Brands Hatch , about an hour 's run , three quarters of an hour to an hour 's run from where we are through the tunnel
24 Erm , we 're not too far removed from er Brands Hatch , about an hour 's run , three quarters of an hour to an hour 's run from we are through the tunnel
25 Ten minutes to the gap in the reef , three-quarters of an hour to the mainland , twenty minutes upriver to the disembarkation point …
26 well we went on a course , for a week up Newcastle and of course er erm we had to be there for nine o'clock so we had to catch the bus , at the latest half past eight so you 're up at you 're up at seven and you get showered and what have you cos there 's a shower in the be bedroom get yourself all ready so you 're down by about erm half seven , quarter to eight , like so you tend to think quarter of an hour to the erm bus stop which is right outside the door of the hotel we were getting so and we use the bus rather than take the car in daily , cos it 's easier so I and er and of course I sat down and had a breakfast and I thoroughly enjo , I did n't have any cereals you know , I says well er and I had a little bit of orange orange juice , but it was this erm made up orange juice
27 The dating of an artefact to the span of a single generation would be to a degree of accuracy which would provide a powerful tool for the study of Anglo-Saxon society .
28 The achievement by experiment of an approximation to the theoretical strength was of course a triumph , especially when one considers the conditions under which the work was done .
29 think of an addition to the other person 's idea that improves it and overcomes the snag you have identified .
30 what is clear , however , is that in the event of litigation it is extremely difficult for a complainant to describe the nature of an odour to the court .
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