Example sentences of "[prep] which we had been " in BNC.

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1 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
2 Hamilton greeted him with emotional thanks and immediately surrendered our papers : our little Nansen passport , our Portuguese visa , even the ticket coupon with which we had been issued at the harbour of Salerno .
3 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
4 The servant banished the dogs and threw logs into the great tiled stove before which we had been sitting .
5 Reg and I were most vitriolic about the risk to which we had been exposed and hoped that the Germans would be just as inefficient . ’
6 The news that Karen and I were married was made public at a buffet brunch given by Thomas and Lynn Carter to which we had been invited — or rather Karen had been invited , and had asked if it would be all right to bring me along .
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