Example sentences of "[prep] which we be now " in BNC.

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1 It may well be that , for the Church historian of the middle of the twenty-first century , the tensions of the period of John Paul II through which we are now passing will themselves appear as but an interlude in the process initiated by the Council , and ending in a form of Catholicism still unimaginable today .
2 One arises from the adaptation to new skills required to man the information technology revolution through which we are now living .
3 Other leaders , like the Rev. Alexander Mackennal , pointed out that the original Separatists of the sixteenth century had not venerated that ‘ extravagant individualism against which we are now witnessing a somewhat excessive revolt ’ .
4 This has been dealt with above , and it stands on a quite different footing from the other forgeries in three important respects : first , it was never mentioned by Lanfranc ; second , it was not concerned with the claim to primacy but solely with the survival of the monastic community at Canterbury , and this was never an issue after 1070 ; and , third , unlike the forgeries with which we are now concerned , it was actually submitted to Rome and approved .
5 ‘ In my judgment , in the class of documents with which we are now faced there is an overwhelming bias in favour of the public interest being served by the disclosure of those documents and that , therefore , there is no justification for creating a new class of privileged documents which would be the effect of extending the class in respect of which Neilson v. Laugharne [ 1981 ] Q.B .
6 There were no recommendations by the judges under that section in the cases with which we are now concerned .
7 Aware that society has been constructed by able-bodied people in ways which serve and perpetuate their own interests , these people have used our consequential marginalisation and dependence not as a starting-point for developing with us a struggle for social change and equal opportunities , but as a handy and convenient fact to justify the development of all the inappropriate disability services with which we are now so familiar .
8 The years taken to prepare the poll tax look like a model of wise and thoughtful government by comparison with the pretence at consultation and the shockingly truncated parliamentary timetable with which we are now confronted .
9 I hope that I can enable him to understand the laws of the game with which we are now involved .
10 Those improvements depend on a successful macro-economic policy and the way in which that is run by the Government and the European Community with which we are now closely connected .
11 That approach was also rejected , because it was getting too close to a rating system , but it would have had some logic , a factor that is entirely outwith the system with which we are now confronted .
12 There is no good reason for it other than that given by Bertrand Russell in that more troubled decade : ‘ The world in which we are now living would have seemed , before 1945 , too horrible to be endured .
13 As Mr Gladstone has pointed out , in the last few years progress has been far more rapid because improved education has created in all classes of the community an increased desire and appetite for literature which did not formerly exist , and that can only be supplied by means of such public libraries in which we are now met .
14 This gives sharp focus to the debate in which we are now engaged on the future of the European Community .
15 We should be clear about what ‘ allowing market mechanisms and incentives to do their job ’ means — the consolidation of the two-thirds society ; the perpetuation of the spiral of poverty , by which we are now seeing a generation of young adults emerging whose parents have never known regular employment , and who no longer expect — or even seek — it for themselves ; the creation of a permanent underclass , its anger turned in upon itself , its hope for the future devoured in poverty , crime , violence and despair .
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