Example sentences of "[prep] which i [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is an issue about which I am very concerned .
2 ‘ The focus of my own emotions , ’ said Ian , ‘ is not , as I think Julia 's is , my family , whom I have always been fortunate enough to be able to take for granted , but rather is it the Church , about which I 'm unduly passionate .
3 I believe that he has , in a single word , delivered to us the votes of the majority of general practitioners in the country , for which I am most grateful .
4 The wealth of letters and contents therein is something for which I am ever grateful .
5 Now that I am retired , I find I am spending more and more time on voluntary charity work , for which I am very happy to take part , and I am hoping to make a start on making small wooden articles including picture and plate frames .
6 ( Since then I have been in touch with Texas four times and been promised an answer for which I am still waiting after nearly two years ) .
7 We had at least seven other buck sergeants and maybe a staff sergeant crewing airplanes which had been returned to us two or three month after the deal and at times we had as high as twenty aircraft in the squadron , that according to the er roster that you were only supposed to have twelve , but er nobody seemed to say anything about it and we did n't get any extra men , but there was at least six or seven men doing the work of master sergeants getting paid for , getting buck sergeant and staff sergeant pay for which I 'm very grateful .
8 Bill , I have been receiving home help , for which I 'm very grateful , a good service , but I paid four pound forty five a week for somebody to come in and just wash and dress my wife in the morning .
9 ‘ For I am weary ’ , he wrote , ‘ with rowing up and down in the seas of questions , which the interests of Christendom have commenced , and in many propositions of which I am not certain that I am not deceived . ’
10 when , when the does , when the Twiggys came in and and the , the the angular woman er , of which I am not I wonder if that was the male view or what is the wo , the view that women have of themselves ?
11 He told them how Howard 's words had shaken him , and said , ‘ There were things we did with the Security Forces in the forests of which I am not at all proud .
12 of river water in the United Kingdom is judged to be of a good or very high standard is something of which I am enormously proud .
13 I know that it has happened in some regions , but that is certainly not evident in the areas of which I am most aware , where the problem seems great .
14 As long as I was forced to stay awake I shrank from any stimulus to sensation ; now I relax and welcome the fading sensations until they are extinct , and for a few minutes will notice impressions of which I am normally unaware , such as the twilight images on the edge of consciousness .
15 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
16 I wished I 'd come instead with the local Horticultural Society — of which I am also a member — so I decided to wander off .
17 I tested this in three ways : by looking up an article on a subject which I feel I know reasonably well ; by looking up an article on a topic with which I am familiar ; and by looking for information on an area which I have heard about but of which I am largely ignorant .
18 An experience of which I am thoroughly ashamed , and thankfully at the time my crew never knew , came to pass one night early in 1943 .
19 Chadwick received the Nobel prize for his discovery , and was elected Master of Gonville and Caius College , Cambridge ( the college of which I am now a fellow ) .
20 ‘ Being very lazy by nature , I enjoy making the first sketches , but the practical precision , the mathematical measuring necessary to carry out the design and the extreme neatness required , both of which I am very bad at , I find irksome .
21 Among the perennial plants that perform a dual role to perfection is the goat 's beard , Aruncus dioicus , a 4ft-6ft tall perennial of which I am especially fond .
22 Well done , that was absolutely first rate , I mean erm , it was a difficult er , task you had , especially as the book was n't in the library , of which I am deeply apologetic , because I thought it was , and er , I thought you er , you coped with a very difficult assignment extremely well , and I think you can have an extra and I 'm sure everyone else thinks so too .
23 But I can not see what I would do with a home computer , one of which I am continually being urged to buy by manufacturers and retailers and by drops in prices of the things that are as near as a toucher opening up my cheque book .
24 The case history with which I am most familiar is my own , so I will start with myself :
25 The growing complexity of laws and regulations , with a concomitant increase in form-filling , is an aspect with which I am not directly concerned .
26 And a job with which I am entirely in sympathy .
27 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
28 I shall say something this morning about the negotiation on political union , in which I am most closely involved , but I do not want to concentrate on those themes today , because the world has not obligingly stood still as we prepare the approach to Maastricht .
29 If , for example , I am engaged in reading a text on a subject in which I am well versed ( where the ideational or content schema is familiar ) , which has been written in a manner conventionally associated with writing on this subject ( where the interpersonal or formal schema is familiar ) , then I shall only need to pay attention to the linguistic signs to the extent that they key in this schematic knowledge and indicate how it is to be extended .
30 It is this latter fault alone which explains the fact that rather than waste precious time in thinking up some other location I was lazily content to make Miller 's London home a flat rather like the one in which I am now diligently at work , here in cruelly named Shepherd 's Bush .
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