Example sentences of "[prep] be a rather [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to be a rather narrow and limiting definition , and it could be refuted by pointing out that both subject knowledge and research methodology could equally well be tested by examination , without going to the additional effort of writing a thesis .
2 Thus lawyer B has been characterised as professionally integrated , although this turned out to be a rather mixed blessing for his clients .
3 In ‘ Barchester Towers ’ though it is actually Dr. Proudie who takes the position wanted by Dr. Grantly , he is made out to be a rather insignificant and weak person whereas Mrs. Proudie is seen at once to be strong and authoritative , too much so , and Trollope makes of her the kind of character a reader loves to hate .
4 Yet she managed to be a rather successful financial journalist .
5 Even where it at first appears to be a rather pointless reaction there is invariably found to be some rational element , which means that conflict must be classed alongside other forms of purposive social action .
6 Thus , with the important exception of certain ethnic minority groups , living with a relative seems to be a rather uncommon experience for older people .
7 There used to be a rather cosy assumption among audit firms that they would never actually go bust .
8 Another difficulty is that the plasma pressure so far confined in a tokamak appears to be a rather low fraction of the magnetic field pressure , but the upper limit — very important for reactors — has not been established .
9 This seems , however , to be a rather weak attempt to soften the harshness of the saying .
10 Instead , she 'd become a member of what had to be a rather exclusive club .
11 Which turned out to be a rather spectacular mistake .
12 The prospective councillors will number two dozen ( rather than the sparse but active dozen originally sought ) ; there will continue to be a rather odd balance of journalists and lay members , selected rather than nominated by a quangoid committee .
13 The prospective councillors will number two dozen ( rather than the sparse but active dozen originally sought ) ; there will continue to be a rather odd balance of journalists and lay members , selected rather than nominated by a quangoid committee .
14 This may appear to be a rather strange task to use .
15 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
16 Such a horse may appear to be a rather solitary animal , but if the other horses had been removed in his absence , he would have been upset and uninterested in eating .
17 However , if one has a black hole around , there seems to be a rather easier way of violating the second law : just throw some matter with a lot of entropy , such as a box of gas , down the black hole .
18 This may seem to be a rather unsurprising observation , but I feel it has very important consequences for arts education , underlining as it does the unease teachers feel about examinations in these subjects .
19 The victory did not , however , mean the immediate defeat of England ; that was to be a rather longer process .
20 It appears to be a rather desolate place with wide windswept prairies ringed by snow-capped hills , but it has plenty of what the ferrets need : prairie dogs .
21 German young people recently have shown a more revolutionary and radical sort of behaviour than one would have dreamt possible in the old Germany , but in this morning 's paper I read of the results of erm a public opinion poll recently conducted by the German government about neo-nazism in Germany , showing what seems to be a rather alarming quantity of surviving interest in sympathy for old nazism .
22 At present we do n't know the exact details of how it works , but towards the end of the 1980s it became apparent that once that signal does get to the nucleus , what happens next in any process of cell plasticity and growth — a step first detected in rapidly dividing cancerous cells , but soon recognized to be a rather universal mechanism — is the activation of a group of ‘ immediate early genes ’ .
23 This , and the fact that the Hayes Society tended to be a rather secretive body , lent it much mystique for a time , ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn on tablets of stone .
24 In fact the sports hall turned out to be a rather barren concrete building tucked away in a corner which nobody seemed very keen to visit !
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