Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its wide-ranging format allowed children 's costume drama , previously thought the sole preserve of the Classic Serials Division , to be made more appealing by means of a link to the space age .
2 Key said there was untapped potential for cycle use to grow if the road environment is to be made more friendly .
3 Assumptions and expectations which lie behind an inter-agency approach require to be made more explicit in order that agencies , and individuals within agencies , are absolutely clear about where they stand , not only in relation to the paramount concern of protecting the child , but also in relation to each other .
4 Local councils were to be made more democratic but less important ’ ( Carroll and Carroll 1980:297 ) .
5 Classical dance , she feels , needs to be made more accessible .
6 This is a real gift to the declining Italian tourist industry , which needs the country 's cultural assets to be made more accessible if it is to compensate for the fact that mass tourism has migrated to cheaper , less developed shores .
7 Mr Hand adds : ‘ Although we have goods and services available here , they need to be made more accessible to the home shopper .
8 Uranium comes in two isotopes , U and U. It is U that releases energy ; but 99.28% of natural uranium is U. For this natural uranium to be made more potent it must be enriched in U , which means sorting through the uranium and discarding some of the U. A little enrichment — to a U content of 2–6% — is good enough for most reactors , though some can work with unenriched uranium and some research reactors use highly enriched uranium .
9 In corporate terms it has to be made more dangerous to acquiesce than to dissent and this is not an easy trick to turn .
10 However , in the headlong rush to develop the newborn calculus of Leibniz and Newton , absurdities arising from the free use of intuitive geometrical arguments ( see problem 1 ) led to the so-called second great crisis and a call for analysis to be made more rigorous ; in other words based on arithmetic ( whose foundations were obviously ( ! ) secure ) .
11 Clients will have to be made more aware of what information is needed and why certain tax computations decisions have been taken .
12 With the emphasis on whole school health , all staff/school workers will have to be made more aware of healthy living .
13 Heuristic information ( that is , suggestions about how best to search ) is often more easily exploited when the language is enlarged , but that does not necessarily mean that it has to be made more expressive .
14 Further , that integration is to be made more seamless over the coming year when IBM will begin merging OS/2 and AIX , enabling them to use the same database and share application development tools .
15 On top of this , it is always possible for the form of discourse to be made more open , so that all academics have a hearing , irrespective of their rank or reputation .
16 In Germany as in Britain and France they tended to focus on demands for a standing committee of the legislature with powers to enquire into , and supervise the conduct of , foreign policy ; and here too there were radicals and peace campaigners who called for diplomacy to be made more open and its processes easier for the public in general to understand .
17 This , if it needs to be made more precise , is what we need to concentrate on , as some others have before , although without coming to the conclusion we shall reach .
18 If implemented , the Fourth Directive would force annual accounts to be made more public and the crucial Fifth Directive would end the abuse of special voting rights and outlaw existing or potential technical barriers .
19 Although they have always had responsibility for trainees , this is to be made more formal within the framework of the basic training common core .
20 Attempts to disaggregate the growth of " non-standard " employment are likely to be rendered more difficult by an inability to determine whether it is the " temporariness " , the " self-employedness " or the " part-timeness " of any particular employment which is its predominant characteristic .
21 The 31-year-old said : ‘ Because of my commitment to West Ham their League games have to be considered more important . ’
22 And whether it was to be considered more important than the West .
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