Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One consequence of these extension schemes that may have a serious effect upon arts education is the way that some authorities are pushing for arts subjects to be taught as part of modular courses , which could lead to a reduction of the number of two-year examination courses in separate arts subjects .
2 The mortgagee would have to be joined as plaintiff .
3 By a summons dated 16 January 1992 solicitors acting for the interim government of the Republic of Somalia applied , pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 15 , r. 6(2) , for the Republic of Somalia to be joined as plaintiff in substitution for Aleko Maritime Co .
4 For example , a superior variant of a module may exist but not be used in a package and consequently may not require to be transferred as part of the package .
5 To specify modules which must be locked against modification without agreement or being set to hard copy , but which nevertheless do not need to be transferred as part of the package , another tight coupling relationship must be used :
6 To gain information from sites and finds , they have to be treated as evidence , and information has to be deduced from them in much the same way as a detective uses forensic evidence .
7 The Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958 , s.12 initiated a right to reasoned decisions which were to be treated as part of the record , but only in the sphere covered by the Act .
8 We intend to ask the local government commission , which we hope to set up , to consider whether people want unitary authorities to be treated as part of historical counties for certain traditional or non-administrative purposes such as sport , a theme to which I shall return .
9 The President of the self-proclaimed " Republic of Kosovo " , Ibrahim Rugova [ for election see p. 38919 ] , held talks in Geneva with Owen and Vance on Sept. 16 , during which he reiterated his fundamental position that Kosovo was to be treated as part of the former Yugoslavia , and not as a province of Serbia .
10 A distinguished backing band , including Dave Edmunds and Presley 's one-time guitarist , James Burton , knocked out a few appropriate standards while a video crew wandered about on the stage shining lights at an audience that had not paid to be treated as studio extras .
11 They were to be treated as exclusion clauses .
12 So far as I know there is no definition of what constitutes a Cabinet Committee and , as the practice has grown , I believe there may be among the 70-odd Committees in the book some with less title to be treated as Cabinet Committees than some of the 700-odd interdepartmental committees of which we have no detailed information at all .
13 Public parks came in the 1840s , and public libraries a few years later ; later still perhaps the grandiose Town Hall , by no means always to be despised as architecture .
14 ( 2 ) Any person claiming to have acquired a title under the Limitation Acts to a registered estate in the land may apply to be registered as proprietor thereof .
15 The presence of a lake slows the inflow of water , causing rock debris and finely-ground rock flour from the base of the melting ice-sheet to be deposited as sediment on the lake-bed .
16 The substantial Royal Nederland former subsidiary used to be audited as part of Royal International , the holding company .
17 It would forfeit , by the same token , any claim to be recognised as law .
18 They wanted them to be recognised as concert orchestra instruments , and disapproved highly of their Tri-Plates occasionally getting into the hands of rough-and-ready blues musicians .
19 If novels are to be studied as part of an exclusive course , they might be better located in Cultural Studies .
20 ABOUT 1,000 companies are to be surveyed as part of a major study by the Robert Gordon University , aimed at improving the greening of Scottish industry and commerce .
21 This novel type III domain appears to be spliced as part of a complex pattern of alternative splices among its flanking type III repeats , thus indicating that multiple tenascin isoforms may be present in tissues and cells of normal and neoplastic origin .
22 The AD1 domain appears to be spliced as part of a pattern of multiple alternative splices .
23 Even its controversial plans for the nationalization of major industries came to be accepted as part of a world built upon consensus .
24 Relatives want to be accepted as part of the caring team .
25 I do seem to be accepted as part of the regular television establishment .
26 Many others , however , agreed with the sole practitioner who felt that unlimited liability ought to be accepted as part of the ‘ burden and responsibility of being a member of a profession ’ .
27 Matt says to receive a reception like this is really great and it 's wonderful to be accepted as part of the village .
28 All the dogs involved are puppies , which are notoriously inconsistent , and the improvement is likely to be accepted as part and parcel of the growing up process .
29 With the development of Christian theology , God comes to be symbolized as trinity .
30 But , within a family , it is much less common for a woman to be listed as ratepayer than a man .
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