Example sentences of "[prep] be [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mothers tend to be less indulgent and more demanding with daughters at this age than with sons , and fathers to be similarly favourably inclined towards their daughters .
2 Ludens , tense , said , to provoke him , ‘ Ca n't these ways be reconciled and seen to be ultimately only one way ? ’
3 The new organizations catering for this were to be economically more efficient and culturally more bland than the popular movements of the first half of the century .
4 Because your bonus is really a , used to be around about five percent but if you look at them now , they 've restructured them , which means they 've reduced them .
5 Then Lissa would n't need to be around so much , would she ? ’
6 Simon is a devoted dad who always tried to be around as much as possible .
7 But still she seems to be round here all the time more or less do n't she ?
8 going to be round about three weeks time .
9 Fishes ' ’ songs ' , one should note , do not seem to be nearly so complex as those of birds , perhaps reflecting their lower position on the scale of consciousness and intelligence .
10 Mr Brown 's half-room turned out to be nearly as dark as the basement because of the cardboard panes stuck in the window where the glass had been blown out .
11 Moving house is reckoned to be nearly as stressful as divorce or coping with bereavement .
12 He might look 17 going on 23 but , even if he turns out to be nearly as old as he appears , it will not render the three wickets he took on his debut as void .
13 His first term at Bohunt has proved to be equally as successful .
14 In this case , the characteristic impedance turns out to be simply Particularly interesting behaviour arises when the choice , is made , for then equals the fixed resistance at all frequencies and correct termination is easy .
15 An upholstered armchair , a cream cake , a flat desk-top , are all objects of luxury to those who finally return to ‘ stumble around their own culture with the clumsiness of returned astronauts , to be simply uncritically grateful to be a Westerner , living in a culture that seems suddenly very precious and vulnerable ’ .
16 To do it smoothly , to do it in the right time , you have to be physically very fit .
17 The longer established Democratic Party , which had been outlawed in 1960 , was now also decreed to be no longer illegal .
18 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
19 It is true that God is not yet totally banished from his creation , but having made it and all that is in it , rather like a watchmaker constructs a timepiece , he is felt to be no longer necessary to explain the inner workings of the mechanism .
20 To talk simply of empires and patriotic duty was sensed to be no longer convincing as a public justification for these sacrifices .
21 These processes are viewed as essentially positive , but as possessing intrinsic dangers , in as much as either specificity or abstraction may develop in such a manner as to be no longer assimilable by the subject through sublation , in which case they become both alien and oppressive .
22 ‘ Depreciation rate ’ is a term sometimes used to describe the rate of physical decline of existing stock to a point where it is so decrepit as to be no longer usable .
23 That is said to be no longer true in South Africa where a general feeling of ‘ tiredness ’ in the Church is alleged .
24 Erm , my fourth one was the effect on the medical centre , bearing in mind , but I did n't say that at the time , that there 's to be no longer sheltered , and there could be young families , remember , more rowdy an element , and maybe we should make details of that .
25 ‘ You expect to be here much longer ? ’
26 The take-up is likely to be even higher this year ; more than 83,000 students have already applied .
27 Indeed , in political terms Die-hard conservatism proved to be even less relevant than its pre-war namesake .
28 Federman 's later novel Take It Or Leave It ( 1976 ) appears to be even less orderly than its predecessor .
29 Like the novel we read , Gael 's novel of the same name is a ‘ philosophic fantasy ’ ( 9 ) , but it appears to be even less realistic than its real-life double ; it is described as a disquisition on the nature of reality with characters that flit in and out of existence .
30 School chairs tend to be even less comfortable than school beds , and I found it impossible to sit still for long — a fact which did n't endear me to irritable teachers , especially those who also resented my ‘ witty ’ ( i.e. irrelevant ) remarks .
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