Example sentences of "[prep] that [pers pn] do not " in BNC.

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1 I think it still is the way forward and I do n't think it was so much that things went wrong as that they did n't go as well as we had hoped for the women elections to the shadow cabinet .
2 I only see it as that I do n't understand her bit , I think she 's just out to take the piss .
3 Perhaps , perhaps , perhaps it was because of that we did n't have it , and the treasurer and the secretary are officially erm , and we do have constitution do n't we now of course , so we can look at the constitution and see what it says
4 so that 's the , that 's the end of that we do n't split that box up any more .
5 be have the history of that I do n't suppose .
6 And they have a far greater proportion of the Greater York area than we do , erm as I outlined we just have three relatively modest villages , erm our , we do have a concern erm , on this , in that we do n't ac , given there 's a a district and an area have not be identified , we do n't feel that there has been a comparative assessment of the two options , we do n't dispute that they may well be harm er from peripheral development around other distric , around settlements in other districts , we acknowledged other other District Council 's concerns , and indeed , these are arguments we have used ourselves on the scale of development in Hambledon , er but we do n't feel that there has been a properly balanced assessment of the two options .
7 Erm , just on that H I V thing there , is that , is n't it a bit confusing is n't it , in that we do n't actually pay out on H I V full stop , on Aids full stop , it is , it 's really the other , the other things .
8 We are at a disadvantage in Britain in that we do not have a revolutionary doctrine to preach : a vivid message that promises an unattainable millennium .
9 The , they 're still , they 're , they 're not active in that they do n't actually progress your department do they ?
10 Laws introduced to regulate corporate behaviour differ from most criminal laws in that they do not centre on the results of the breaking of the particular regulation .
11 Yeasts are different from other fungi , in that they do not usually form hyphae , but exist as tiny egg-shaped cells .
12 It is always the most convenient for my guests in that they do not have to drive in the dark , and they can have a much more leisurely lunch , without worrying about the time , as they would in the evening over dinner .
13 Yes , in that they do not go out like a candle on death ; so far natural justice is satisfied .
14 On the other hand , they are employees in that they do not own the organisation for which they work , they are salaried agents , and they are subject to superior authority .
15 The auk tribe are sea-birds in the true sense , in that they do not need the land at all outside the nesting season .
16 These differ from those of the Nuer in that they do not fuse together into a single , all-pervasive deity .
17 In many cases they seem to be neither , in that they do not have a direct or specific relationship with the labour market ; nor do they fit into the conventional , specialized academic categories .
18 The first- and second-person pronouns are typical examples in that they do not refer back to a nominal expression in the text but to the speaker and hearer ( or writer and reader ) respectively .
19 Assignments differ from practical exercises in that they do not necessarily involve strict adherence to a prescribed procedure and they are not concerned exclusively with manual skills .
20 In some ways , postnominal attributives are also relatively straightforward ; thus it is perfectly clear that they are like ordinary prenominal attributives in that they do not constitute a full sentence with the noun or noun phrase that precedes them , and that they are part of the same entity-identifying phrase .
21 If talking Patois is best analysed as a social activity rather than a purely informational one , then the narratives by Susan and Stephen can be said to be exceptional in that they do not involve any other participants from the same speech community .
22 In the more recently developed applications , expert clauses are less specific in that they do not reserve individual issues such as sales figures for determination by an expert , but refer general types of disputes to experts : for instance , " all disputes of a technical nature arising under this agreement " .
23 UK Property Unit Trusts are ‘ unauthorised ’ in that they do not have to be authorised by the DTI because of the fact that they do not deal with the general public ( major investors being pension funds and charities ) .
24 The United Kingdom expert , very surprisingly , was equally silent on this matter ; he explained the purpose of Article 23 as being to enable Contracting States to refuse to execute Letters of Request which lacked specificity in that they did not describe precisely enough the documents to be obtained or examined .
25 This book is refreshing in its simplicity , in that it does n't pretend to be anything more than what it is — a love story .
26 The envious man is obsessively drawn to see through his rival 's eyes , the cruel man is as sensitive to a sufferer 's feelings as the compassionate ; and both are disinterested , in that it does not matter to them whether any injury they do is of benefit to themselves .
27 Kaplan 's theory would seem to be the-more plausible of the two , in that it does not depend on parents transmitting the results of their learning to their children ; instead , it can be explained purely in terms of human curiosity .
28 The first thesis is more difficult in that it does not express ideology as mere illusion nor as a reflection of real conditions .
29 Geurrero can not be described as ‘ typical ’ in that it does not include the most serious offenders , including those convicted of serious violence or large-scale drug offences .
30 Rather the objectives/skills analysis curriculum actually teaches dependence , in that it does not teach the children to challenge the system they are in and the places they will graduate to .
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