Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I understood that my mother was ambivalent about marriage , bitter about her own experience of it while seeing no possible alternative for me , and that this must make things difficult for her .
2 This idea or nominal essence will vary from person to person ; goldsmiths know more properties of gold , and so have a different idea of it than does a child .
3 When I started to think about these things I was in a position to interpret this way of living and eating as a variation on the spending patterns of poverty described in Booth 's and Rowntree 's surveys ; but now I think it was the cheapness of it that propelled the practice .
4 ONLY SINEAD O'Connor could put together a seemingly uncontroversial , fun thing like a collection of cover versions of old standards and torch songs and put a speech at the end of it that questions the very foundations and ethics of the Catholic Church .
5 However , when Rousseau 's text is submitted to the questioning scrutiny of the grammatologist , it emerges that , although Rousseau clearly wants to say that melody originates in the passions , he actually has to formulate a definition of it that includes a notion of articulation and differentiation .
6 I have loads of it but hate the colour .
7 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
8 He considered leaving the rucksack on the train , but as it contained several of his favourite Fair Isle jumpers , and this was bonny Scotland after all , he thought better of it and shouldered the thing .
9 ‘ If you must write — you do n't need to by the way , I can earn enough to support my family — but if you really must , you should always write ‘ Mrs Nigel Hughes ’ at the end of it and tell the editor you are married to me . ’
10 You know sometimes the way forward is backward , there are no short cuts with god , if he 's leading along a certain path and were disobedient , there 's no way we can opt out of it and join the trail further along , he does n't allow it , its back to where we left it , that 's were we 've got ta get back to , we ca n't skip an experience , we ca n't miss any thing out , we 've got to go back to where we start , where we were when we left the trail and Naomi has to do just that to go back to Bethlehem , that 's the way forward for her , and you see because we all , we always find this if we are really children of god , then we can never ever be satisfied away from the will of god , there 's nothing else that meets our need , its god will or nothing , you know , when we know frustration in our lives , when we know sort of the , these annoyances and , and , and , and er sense of frustration there , its not because god is leaving us that way its invariably cos we have actually gone out of gods will because he 's will is not frustrated , its satisfying , can I just , it will only really be headings this morning , just leave us with three brief headings in this little incident that we 'll read or we , we wo n't read the whole passage but its , er in the remainder of the , or more or less the whole of the remainder of the first chapter tha that the cost was involved and then the choices that were made and then the commitment , the cost that was involved Naomi had to pay something , you see before she could return to Naomi she had to con , before Naomi sorry could return er to , to Bethlehem , she had to acknowledge she 'd done wrong , she had failed , she had sinned , she had to acknowledge she had made a mistake now in fairness to Naomi she did it and she excepted her responsibility , she did n't try and shift the blame on
11 I came out of it and saw the window clear and the sun shining and the heavy clouds rolled back to leave a blue , washed sky .
12 I always leave a minimum of one and a half hours so that if I have a blow-out or breakdown or some other unforeseen emergency , I still have time to take care of it and catch the plane .
13 Erm I would like to say a few words about the Fire and Rescue Service , er the Fire Cover Review Panel er which rests erm with couple of months before Christmas er it 's first meeting , received a report from the Chief Officer that in restructuring the Fire Service to get better use out of it to er spread the cuts could find savings of up to nine hundred thousand pounds in that process and they are friends in the Labour , Liberal Democrat groups have simply taken the good aspects of that the plus side of it and rejected the side what faces the side anyway .
14 Just before midnight last night , a special unit of police stormed the house , taking control of it and capturing the terrorists inside , without loss of life .
15 In the first part of The Form , language is used to denote action and inner states that are immediately recognisable so that , for instance , cleanness of mouth is defined as not talking for the sake of it and telling no lies ( c.5 ) .
16 An ordinary body exposed to radiation absorbs some of it and reflects the rest .
17 But here we will make an end of it and leave a sign for all time that it should not be so . ’
18 he use to have his own house , last year he went into it you 'd think they 'd get some of it and to weed the gardens
19 Why not make the most of it and call the Action Team , they 'll put you in touch with the person responsible for your area call them now on 031-557-3194 during office hours .
20 A friend of mine once returned to her house after a few month 's absence and found that though the font of her desk looked exactly the same as before she left , termites had eaten out the back of it and destroyed the contents of several drawers .
21 We 've a campaign to plan , before the king hears of it and puts a stop to it !
22 There is a great temptation to capture all sorts of information for the sake of it and to keep the same information in several different locations .
23 But I , but I think you know the , the , the thing that I found erm most difficult as you say was , was actually completing the C C Q and I think part of it and asking the question but it is , certainly it would be easier to do it using that on your knee rather than doing it at the table because I was aware that I was turning away
24 They drag what they find into the tunnel , eat some of it and deposit the rest , which then rots and helps to feed the plants .
25 Curtis had taken advantage of it and put an azalea on the table in the passage , a yellow one with a pungent scent .
26 He applied for the first chair and then thought better of it and withdrew the application ; refused to apply for the second despite the supplications of Cambridge friends ; and finally applied for the third , the chair of primacy , the regius chair made vacant by the retirement of Charles Raven .
27 The Club , however , made the best of it and handed the Station Commander RAF Gatow a cheque for DM10,000 that was to be split between SSAFA and RAFA .
28 Less than a quarter claimed to have read all of it or to remember the topics it dealt with .
29 This is the simplest component of legal aid , but alterations and adjustments to it make it best to think of it as encompassing a number of different types of help .
30 The person giving it may not realise the full legal consequences of it as regards the release of a co-debtor ; but that is not , in my opinion , a sufficient ground for reading into the document something that is not expressed in it ; and unless you find in it something qualifying the general words , it appears to me that the legal consequences of the general words of discharge must follow , notwithstanding that those consequences may go beyond what the person giving the document would have intended if they had been pointed out to him at the time , and he had had an opportunity of addressing his mind to them .
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