Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] if she " in BNC.

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1 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
2 He said she feared she would look like a money-grabber if she went to court to get the possessions after the divorce so he agreed to sign them over .
3 I even wondered just for a moment if she had , unknown to me , made another , negative , speech later in the day .
4 Perhaps she heard his steps before he knocked — she opened the door very quickly — and he wondered for a moment if she had been as she had when he last saw her , standing just inside the door , her head on one side , listening , as she had listened to the bombs , and to the siren she heard before it was sounded .
5 She wondered for a moment if she was expected to answer .
6 Could he give her the best of food or pay for a doctor if she fell sick or buy her fine clothes or anythin' she fancies ?
7 She could make her living as a potter if she wanted to ; she 's a natural . ’
8 Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might be inappropriate and embarrassing for her , and she may be feeling that people will regard her as a hypocrite if she gives way and weeps , although she may need to do this for a variety of reasons , one of them being not so much for what she has lost , but for what she never had .
9 The old woman was always threatening her with a stick-licking if she told lies , but told them herself .
10 Would she have collapsed into a heap if she 'd learnt that Stephen was silent because he was wondering if his father had murdered his mother ?
11 Mr Dennis said the man put his hand over the girl 's face and mouth and threatened to throw her in a river if she screamed .
12 That is , his mother inherited the School first and never went in a train if she could help it .
13 And Miss Lilian will be here to take her a nice little something on a tray if she wakes before we 're back .
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