Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a spell of squadron service the aircraft was transferred to the Air Force Academy .
2 Cameron talked with Minerva , who was being magnanimously tolerant of her husband 's much-publicised affair with Nina Kenyon , and with Anne , who was well into the tertiary stage of her fourth marriage ( to Didier Bishopric , a society restaurateur ) and just back from the Betty Ford clinic after a spell of amphetamine dependency .
3 In his book on Maxwell , Joe Haines describes how Maxwell 's normally imperturbable secretary burst into tears after a spell of work when he had been even more demanding than usual .
4 There have been artists , generally of the smacked-out bedsitter blues variety , who lost their tragic muse after a bit of success .
5 His back was cured within a couple of weeks — not , it turns out , as a result of the acupuncture but after a bit of dancing while on holiday .
6 He would hand over the old man 's baccy for the week and a few sweeties then , after a bit of chat , he was away . ’
7 And when I found out after a bit of dressing-room chat what the other lads were on I had to make a point .
8 After a bit of practice , ‘ accentuating the positive ’ will seem less contrived
9 I was very very pleased to see that a lot of you have tried to do your join up handwriting after a bit of practice we 'd had and it had come out really really nicely , well done .
10 I found Malpass 's pistol and torch behind the table and after a bit of contortion I managed to stuff them into my jacket pockets .
11 He could n't think why it had n't occurred to him earlier , as he marched briskly ( after a bit of trouble with the door latch ) out of the pub .
12 In Scandinavia , with their mixed economies , money is always available , after a bit of persuasion , from both local and central government .
13 ‘ Well , how 's it going ? ’ said Alex , after a teaspoon of froth .
14 Ken told him that after a performance of Call My Bluff a woman approached him and asked , ‘ Any chance of a fuck ? ’
15 After a barrage of love letters and phone calls , Gless was horrified to discover that the woman had been living under the floorboards of her house for at least six weeks .
16 After a bottle of wine , Flora talked about her second divorce , continuing the next instalment of the afternoon serial .
17 They now look after a range of laboratory products as well as Olympus microscopes they can advise on many other of your laboratory requirements .
18 It is easy to criticise the government 's decisions : after a century of inertia , making changes in London was always going to be difficult , and Mrs Bottomley deserves credit for getting the process started .
19 With rumours circulating that the club is in danger of folding after a century of existence following the destruction of their Normanby Road headquarters , press officer Les Crossman said : ‘ We are adamant that the club will keep going , even though we have no money .
20 Suddenly , after a century of realism and what Rice calls ‘ little Protestant novels ’ , the tide is turning back towards the fantastical , towards ‘ magic , the extreme and the eccentric ’ .
21 And a sticky end … marmalade shop to close after a century of trade
22 It is , however , a fascinating area to explore , bridges , culverts , mine levels and a smelting mill remaining to be seen after a century of abandonment and neglect .
23 After a century of population decline , only 4,000 of Britain 's estimated 25,000 pairs of barn owls live in the wild .
24 Now , after a century of colonisation from Moscow , first by the Tsars and then the Bolsheviks , the gentle people of Kyrgyzstan , descendants of nomadic herdsmen , are finally standing on their own .
25 YORKSHIRE 'S unsettled batsman Phil Robinson should find it easier to attract a new county after a change of heart by the Test and County Cricket Board yesterday .
26 When finally enacted in 1974 , after a change of government but with all-party support , the Consumer Credit Act followed the Crowther recommendations about consumer protection credit legislation very closely .
27 In 1974 the Secretary of State , Mr Gordon Campbell , announced that after discussions with the Lord Advocate , he proposed to take no further action and a year later , after a change of government , his Labour successor Mr William Ross said he was n't going to act either .
28 [ It became inapplicable when , after a change of government in 1979 , the Cowan recommendations were abandoned.l
29 [ They became inapplicable when , after a change of government in 1979 , the Cowan recommendations were abandoned . ]
30 After a change of costume and half an hour in the makeup chair at The Gilded Cage , she was no longer Jessica .
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