Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] four [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having played a major role in Middlesbrough 's promotion to the UK League , in which they 'll start as a Division Four team this summer , Stuart now finds herself number one sprinter with the champions of the past three years .
2 As a result four board members resigned over the Christmas period : Tony Barber , financial director ; John Percivel , technical development director ; Derek Moon , the chairman and non-executive board member Roger Dickinson .
3 All other reagents were of analytical grade and all solutions were prepared using water purified through a Milli-Q four stage system ( Millipore , MA ) .
4 In a tightly-argued four page document , AoI said it must be accepted that coal is not on its way out and called for the disbanded Energy Select Committee to be resurrected immediately .
5 Gascoigne said in a Channel Four interview that he plans to have ‘ a private word ’ with the England boss following remarks which had suggested that he could have a drinking problem .
6 The idea of a one-woman tribute was conceived five years ago , when larger-than-life director Bryan Izzard asked me to contribute to a Channel Four programme on the monologue called The Eye Of The Little Yellow Dog , starring , amongst others , the late Leonard Rossiter , Cilla Black , Alec McCowen , Diane Langton , Anita Harris and Ronald Lacey .
7 A couple of months back he appeared on a Channel Four quiz show called Fifteen to One .
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