Example sentences of "[prep] the world in which " in BNC.

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1 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
2 As we have said , much is known today about the world in which Jesus lived , the Palestine of two thousand years ago .
3 They could n't read or write , but Topaz longed to know about the world in which she lived , learn about strange lands beyond the seas , and the even more puzzling ways of the gaujos who spent their whole time shut up in houses made of bricks or stone , as if they had condemned themselves to perpetual imprisonment .
4 An' inside ye 'll find all the truth about the world in which we live .
5 Owen had been working for a consulting company in Washington before deciding to devote himself to the contras , sitting at North 's feet ; despite his deep immersion in murky affairs , he still took a wide-eyed view of the world in which he operated .
6 He asserts cautiously that there is a ‘ possibility that both genetic and environmental influences , and interactions between them , may be important in the causation of mental processes , including awareness ’ and goes on to say that awareness probably has survival value because it enables animals to respond to the complexities of the world in which they behave .
7 Perhaps it is the fault of the world in which we live , but people seem to have a great fear of failing , forgetting that failing at something does not mean that one is a ‘ failure ’ at life .
8 Essentially , the industrial world was divided into ‘ them and us ’ ; a dichotomous view of the world in which there are those who manage and those who are managed .
9 It is no accident that the rise of science and technology and subsequently industrialisation and the process of wealth creation followed the acceptance of an explicitly Biblical view of the world in which manual work was not considered contemptible and in which man was delegated the task of managing the world 's resources for his benefit .
10 These reservations apart , there is a consensus among all teachers that all children need to be helped towards a broad understanding and appreciation of the world in which they live .
11 We focused on the two newspapers owned by the same person , Rupert Murdoch , and which included the most rape reports — thirty-two in the Sun and seventy-two in the News of the World in which not one rape case in 1978 was covered by both newspapers .
12 The extent , however , to which that marks them off from what are typically thought of as more ‘ objective ’ features of the world in which we live depends on how far one thinks that has a character independent of any form of sentient experience .
13 The trouble is that we live in a part of the world in which many people depend on Unix — not to fight Microsoft and NT , but to earn their living — and there are too many unknowns .
14 As with all claims made by competing groups for the objective nature of their own discourse , those made by the Royal Society are tainted by the contingencies of the world in which they were made .
15 More generally , his theory provides us with a remarkable insight into the nature of the British constitution ; the entire thrust of Oakeshott 's work can be interpreted as laying down a view of the world in which the British constitution with its conventions , understandings , and practices which have evolved through a slow historical process actually makes sense .
16 What the historian is trying to do is not merely to record the events and happenings of war , but to study them against the background of the world in which the long Anglo-French conflict was fought .
17 The word gas , which he coined , had its origins in this view of the world in which the animation of matter depended ultimately on God 's creative role .
18 The first example pertains to the failure , of Catholic Christians in particular , to contextualize the words and actions of Jesus in relation to the circumstances of the world in which he lived .
19 At one time the beliefs held about woman in the church , that she might not be ordained , that she was placed subordinate to man , that she had her ‘ own ’ sphere of motherhood , were simply at one with the beliefs of the world in which the church was situated .
20 Europe is not the only part of the world in which communications and electronics are the inheritors of several different , and apparently conflicting , policy traditions .
21 The eclipse , partly by his own desire , partly because of the overturning of the world in which he had governed , was too abrupt .
22 I think there are aspects of the world in which we live and , and er , in which the church lives which make common confession of faith particularly difficult er today .
23 Both the ideal good and the ideal bad objects are understood , not as a something external to the subject , but as inseparable from an emerging sense of the world in which such a division is as yet unperceived .
24 Anyhow , I 'm not a film director , I 'm just a mother and a very concerned member of the world in which my three children are forced to live and grow up in .
25 That is why it is important that the recent troubles at Lloyd 's have more to do with its constitution and management than with the riskiness of the world in which the organization operates .
26 It envisages , that is , the possibility of a description of the world in which all subject terms refer to actual existents , and all explicit existential assertions give way to " existential presuppositions " .
27 In other words , the possibility is posited of a description of the world in which all subject terms refer to actual existents and all existential propositions are analysed out and replaced by " existential presuppositions " .
28 Furthermore , despite Hurd 's fervent belief that security arrangements must originate from within the Arab world itself , his own hints of what they should be ( which no Arab leader is likely to ignore ) seem to run counter to the practical realities of the world in which they are to be applied .
29 The ‘ homespun ’ view of literature had tended to see literature either as an expression of an author 's personality and world-vision , or as a mimetic ( that is to say , realistic ) representation of the world in which he lived ; or , most typically , as the mixture of both which Catherine Belsey describes as ‘ expressive realism ’ ( 1980 ) .
30 You know nothing of the world in which you have come to live , and I should have warned you about Rose , only I did not know that you were going out with her until after you had gone , and then , of course , it was too late . ’
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