Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] over [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He was also ready , during the proceedings over Lady Chatterley 's Lover , to go into the witness box and publicly recant his previous attacks upon Lawrence .
2 Adam got to his feet and , throwing one of the quilts over Rufus , went into the house .
3 He has a bit more fun with the wrangles over Shaw 's house at Ayot St Lawrence ( it was left to the National Trust ) , while Mrs Shaw 's will , which was also contested in the courts in the Fifties , provides a lively sideshow .
4 Perhaps one day the full story of Harry 's epic journey from the skies over Berlin to St Eval 's runway will be told .
5 Two Man of the Match performances in the victories over Wales and England were just a foretaste of what followed .
6 There were not many heroes in the wars over Andres Serrano 's ‘ Piss Christ ’ photograph , Robert Mapplethorpe 's homoerotic images , Karen Finlay 's chocolate and bean-sprout performance pieces .
7 But now , as British airmen are back on active service in the skies over Iraq , the secrets of the SAS are coming out .
8 After a week of fighting , the war that had begun with a thunderous high-tech blitzkrieg in the skies over Baghdad had not yet delivered visible proof of victory .
9 The last and greatest battle of the Ruhr was fought in the skies over Germany in the last three months of 1944 , and on some nights there were still 5% losses of aircraft , not to mention men .
10 Last year we were reminded of those epic days when Fighter Command denied the Luftwaffe air superiority in the skies over Britain .
11 Propellers over Warwick by M J Evans is a small , but nevertheless interesting , booklet on the four generations of aircraft seen in the skies over Warwickshire .
12 After more than 20 years in the skies over Oxfordshire , the F1-11 fighter bomber is leaving .
13 In stark contrast to the problems over EDC , both treaties were ratified by the end of the year .
14 Three days later , on 23rd. , the Stukas returned to the skies over Malta , and on this occasion the defences were able to engage them without undue fighter interference , although Plt.Off .
15 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
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