Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] over [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could phone him with a problem and he had such insight that he could steer me through it , although he knew very little of the problems over here . ’
2 I used to be one of the allocators over there as well
3 But most of the women over there they , you could say they 're , they 're by the age of , of childbearing
4 norways coach egil ‘ drillo ’ olsen today speak up on our international players who are not in their first teams : ‘ come home or be wrecked from the national team ’ ( and thus no USA'94 ) ( this in one of the tabloids over here ) — the players mentioned are
5 and she said no she 'd been to pay her poll tax over there , she said she 'd had a rest in one of the shops over there on the way
6 Er normal practice for the railway was to have the main er part of the buildings on the town side , and you got a er smaller building on the other side of the tracks over there .
7 Though he did have a bit of a tan , unlike most of the men over here .
8 Yes , well put that with the others over there .
9 They also agree with the analysts over there on another thing .
10 ‘ However , I suggest we start with the one in the trees over there . ’
11 She was n't in the police over here .
12 according to the newspapers over here Frank had an excellent game and he was furious after loosing 2–0 .
13 ‘ It astonishes me , to be quite honest , ’ he said , showing that it is not all swagger on the courts over here .
14 ’ ‘ Mon and look at the nice show in the League of Nations place , or thae big battleships and bombers painted on the walls over there .
15 Look at the potatoes over there !
16 Then , all of a sudden , he did n't come into the office any more and we discovered that he had been recruited by the Moonies over there .
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