Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] over [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was also ready , during the proceedings over Lady Chatterley 's Lover , to go into the witness box and publicly recant his previous attacks upon Lawrence .
2 I remembered reading about the protests over Club Row just north of Spitalfields ' market , where a street market in animals had been held since Victorian times .
3 The occasional protests by staff through the years over pay and conditions had usually been dealt with quickly , abrasions salved and healed by the implicit belief that matters would eventually improve , if not tomorrow , then certainly by the day after — and that one was still having more fun than was to be had almost anywhere else anyway .
4 Most of these options have been taken up in the days of the controversies over Christology .
5 Thousands of students left their dormitories , enraged by the attitude of the authorities over election procedures and their refusal to permit change .
6 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
7 In the ensuing commotion lost one of the oars over board .
8 This was the essence of the arguments over management structure in Sheffield and elsewhere in the late 1960s ( Hampton 1972 ) .
9 Mindful of the quarrels over precedence among the Bonaparte family which had marred his uncle 's coronation , Napoleon III may have felt it unwise to provide them with a similar occasion for bad manners .
10 Adam got to his feet and , throwing one of the quilts over Rufus , went into the house .
11 He was conciliatory towards the Lords over jurisdiction and towards the Crown over prerogative .
12 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
13 The 1970s witnessed a number of developments of this sort and during the days when OPEC was still negotiating with the companies over prices , a device was contrived whereby if the dollar went down , the oil price went up and vice versa .
14 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
15 For instance , although the Farjana tribe generally supported Magharba , one section was in dispute with the others over land rights : the Zuwaya nominated a man from this dissident section .
16 It was not the last argument he would have with the authorities over pay , though this was the only series he missed for that reason .
17 But in the highly-charged political atmosphere of late tsarist Russia , it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over issues of higher education to more general criticism of the socio-political structure .
18 In a highly charged political atmosphere it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over student issues to broader criticism of the socio-political structure .
19 He has a bit more fun with the wrangles over Shaw 's house at Ayot St Lawrence ( it was left to the National Trust ) , while Mrs Shaw 's will , which was also contested in the courts in the Fifties , provides a lively sideshow .
20 Controversy over the Scottish National Party 's decision to do a deal with the Tories over seats on the EC committee of the regions resurfaced .
21 They have not sought compromises with the unions over incomes policy or industrial relations ; the unions are no longer an ‘ estate of the realm ’ .
22 Perhaps one day the full story of Harry 's epic journey from the skies over Berlin to St Eval 's runway will be told .
23 Here the different ways of seeing ‘ women in film ’ , especially in the controversies over realism , over documentary film-making , over the gaze and over representations of sexuality , converged , for once , in the serious questions those four women asked about the feminist film debate which I have outlined above .
24 Two Man of the Match performances in the victories over Wales and England were just a foretaste of what followed .
25 Perkins , 17 , schoolboy son of Burscough boss Russ , impressed Stoke manager Lou Macari and is all set for another week in the Potteries over Christmas .
26 Mutinies were reported to have spread throughout the army since May 28-29 , when discontent in the ranks over pay and future prospects following an official threat of demobilization reached its peak .
27 There were not many heroes in the wars over Andres Serrano 's ‘ Piss Christ ’ photograph , Robert Mapplethorpe 's homoerotic images , Karen Finlay 's chocolate and bean-sprout performance pieces .
28 From this point onwards historians have tended to lose interest in the debates over classification , assuming that they were increasingly concerned not with the principle of how to determine relationships , but with disagreements over practical applications of the technique .
29 Thus this in its turn can be spread as thickly or as thinly as one 's intuitions require and therefore used in defence of competing practical positions , most notably in the debates over abortion or the environment .
30 ( After all the voices of male apprentices are not usually heard in the debates over apprenticeship . )
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