Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] that it " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind we have undertaken this year a review of the management team and staff resources with the objective of ensuring that LCCIEB is prepared for the challenges that it is likely to meet in the future .
2 Public opinion is growing too large for the channels that it has been accustomed to run through . ’
3 The reference may be invalid because there has been no agreement between the parties that it should take place .
4 I must advise the Minister that that is not what the construction industry is saying to others about the problems that it is facing .
5 Well the proposals in the Good Report as I said for final salary schemes is that a third of the trustees should be elected from he actually says from the active members er we know and comments that in great length a about the difficulties that it would be to er actually er elect er er members who are pensioners or from the deferreds Er I find that er somewhat simplistic view point in that er er the pensioners at least get communications from the administrators of the scheme every month , they get a monthly cheque , so it sh should n't be beyond the wit of man to be able to er be able to contact the pensioners and organise pensioner meetings but pensioner trustees to be elected .
6 We actually talked about the difficulties that it causes
7 ‘ I am particularly excited about the opportunities that it will provide for opening up for the first time higher educational facilities in the area .
8 IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets that it foresees for its products , but in this case limits itself to saying that it will appeal to professionals who would prefer ‘ easy-to-remember voice commands ’ to complicated keystrokes or mouse movements .
9 Local government is anxious to provide better value , to improve management , and to seek competitive bids for many of the services that it provides .
10 ( This was a similar exercise to that carried out during the study of the Adult Training Centres described in Chapter 10 , where a weighting was given to software depending on the relative value of the functions that it could support . )
11 Errors which relate to the type or kind or scope of case into which a tribunal can inquire are regarded as jurisdictional ; errors which relate to the truth or detail of the findings that it makes are categorised as non-jurisdictional .
12 The purchaser should also impose a financial limit on the value of the creditors that it assumes .
13 These are commercial decisions and British Steel 's actions are within the terms of the guarantees that it has given .
14 I look forward to this country being in the vanguard of the single currency because of the advantages that it will bring us and the Community .
15 As the parent of a daughter who has had to struggle and cope with dyslexia , I have perhaps more personal knowledge of the difficulties that it causes than many hon. Members .
16 Dent is so refreshingly different from the city environments of most of the visitors that it would be churlish to deny them this glimpse of a way of life that belongs to history .
17 When the Community came to consider the application , one of the things that it would wish to ensure was that the benefit of the membership would be available to the whole community .
18 Now one of the things that it must be very tempting to do is say , Yippee I 've got my list and go dashing in and phone everybody in sight
19 Some of these casual injectors do not inject street heroin because of the impurities that it might contain and limit their injecting to other opioids generally stolen from chemist shops .
20 Neither good taste nor wealth , as its novelists keep telling us , can transform a house into a home , for a home does not consist in the quality of its architecture or decor , but in the quality of the lives that it expresses .
21 Not only are its policies extremely wasteful , but one of the companies that it set up is just collapsing , insolvent , and this is costing £8 a head to every community charge payer in the area .
22 This is the figure mentioned as so resembling the copies of the Tyrannicides that it is known as the Kritian boy .
23 It is not , in my judgment , a valid objection to the S.I.B . 's pleaded case that these defendants have not themselves received any of the money of the investors that it is proposed that they should be ordered to repay .
24 ‘ It was only slightly traumatic , but I knew from my safety audit of the operators that it was virtually impossible for things to go wrong , ’ explained Nigel .
25 I mean gender is one issue , but it 's not the only one , and one of the ones that it seems to me that we 've missed out on erm to date , when we 're talking about International Women 's Day , is race .
26 Fourthly , Woolwich was not , of course , to know at the time of the payments that it would succeed in the judicial review proceedings .
27 Fourthly , Woolwich was not , of course , to know at the time of the payments that it would succeed in the judicial review proceedings .
28 The big , the big advantage Chair , and one of the reasons that it appeals to us to , to go along with Age Concern on this is that , as you know , the area of activity in terms of day centre provision in which they are very active , is one whereby on the current grant mechanisms for community care , and our need to spend eighty five percent in the voluntary and independent sector , whilst they were directly employed by us , we could n't divert a substantial amount of that money in their direction if they wished to develop services .
29 One of the reasons for difficulty in diagnosing this condition when it first occurs is the apparent similarity of the symptoms that it produces to those associated with cystitis .
30 But such is the style of most of the arrangements that it 's almost as if the Basie band themselves were performing , rather than a vocal trio backed by a quartet .
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