Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( e ) The Buyer : who is responsible for the actual details involved in placing the order and monitoring the delivery process .
2 For example , in a village in South India , where there may be say twenty distinct castes , a single honorific particle may have just one meaning ( e.g. speaker is inferior to addressee ) but have twenty distinct rules for its appropriate usage : members of one caste may use it to their cross-cousins , others only to their affines , etc. ( for the actual details see Levinson , 1977 ) .
3 The manager is responsible for the actual results achieved , and he is held accountable because information about his achievements will be fed back to his superiors , and they can then call him to account to explain his performance .
4 The seamen are therefore determined that they will have nothing to do with Germans of any description until the Germans have made full reparation for the cruel murders committed and the lives lost on the high seas from submarine action " .
5 The question at issue is whether it is ‘ better ’ for the bilateral cases to have both joints replaced in a single operation or to have each joint treated separately in operations , say , six months apart .
6 As its name implies , the Via Militaris was a major line of communication for the Roman armies defending the eastern frontier , and as a stage in one of the links between Italy and Byzantium it already had an important role to play in the vital intercourse between the eastern and western halves of the empire .
7 Figures 4.9(a) — ( c ) show the output from a SYMAP run using the commands and data of Appendix G. Figure 4.9(a) uses the default five classes in a map of infant mortality per thousand live births for the African countries included in the World Data Matrix ( Appendix A ) and named in Appendix F. Data values of — 1 are excluded by the use of elective 4 .
8 Before the fungus kills the fly , it attacks its nervous system , changing its behaviour so that it climbs to the top of the plant , puts its head down to attach its proboscis to the leaf , and sticks its abdomen up into the air , ready for the passing breezes to take the spores away when they are released .
9 The catalogue includes an essay by Storr and entries for the exhibited pictures prepared by Catherine Kinley of the Tate Gallery and MoMA 's Lynn Zelevansky based upon interviews with the artist .
10 They compose much of the actual substance of the body ( muscles , tendons , the lens of the eye , for example ) , and are the organic catalysts responsible for the chemical reactions occurring in the body , as described in Chapter 6 .
11 However , as my right hon. Friend the Minister of State for the Armed Forces said in the recent defence debate , under our restructuring proposals , the proportion of Scottish units in the Army overall will increase rather than decrease .
12 However , the Minister of State for the Armed Forces said , in answer to a question from my hon. Friend the Member for Western Isles ( Mr. Macdonald ) : ’ Under the 1972 United States-Soviet ABM treaty and subsequent protocols , the Soviet Union is limited to a maximum of 100 ABM launchers located within a radius of 150 km around either the national capital or one area containing silo fields .
13 I am sure that the hon. and learned Gentleman knows the considerable steps that have been taken by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence and by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces to deal with the aftermath of that tragic incident .
14 In reply , the Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces gave me certain assurances .
15 They did not seem to mind , each patting her head and calling out that her hair would soon grow , which was more than could be said for the balding bailiffs escorting them .
16 There are now hopes that Trysil , a densely-forested area abounding in roe deer and elk — but remote from domestic livestock — could be an ideal place for the Norwegian wolves to live .
17 Colleagues are impressed ( and sometimes alarmed ) by her willingness to link large philosophical issues with day to day matters ; for example , high state expenditure and taxation mean less for the ordinary citizens to spend as they choose .
18 Electricity shares rose by 24 per cent while British Telecom gained 19p for the part-paid shares to finish at 1191/2p .
19 While some of the same satirical zest is evident in The Bed Sitting Room ( 1969 ) , Lester 's chronicle of a post-holocaust world where a stunned Ralph Richardson imagines he is turning into a bedsitter and a doctor tries to keep the old traditions alive by having someone read the BBC News , and the film shows evidence of a superabundant imagination , the narrative is too unfocused for the satirical barbs to hit home , and the result is often tedious to watch .
20 The finest bronze castings of Shang China and arguably of all time were not made for implements or even weapons , but for the ritual vessels centred on the cult of ancestors .
21 ( 5 ) Neither our client nor this Firm be in any way responsible for the professional charges levied by your Consultant .
22 The next steps are for the successful candidates to take .
23 The case highlights the extent to which it was possible for the religious intellectuals to misjudge exactly where the consensus lay , as well as the extent to which an evolving historical situation which created areas for new decision-making provided the field for a new power contest .
24 The third and fourth promise that the DUP ‘ offers the firmest stand against all attempts to force Ulster down the Dublin road ’ , while the fifth section calls for an all-out war against the IRA and the return of the death penalty as ‘ the only suitable punishment for the heinous murders committed in our Province ’ .
25 The longer-term tendency may be for the joint boards to develop into fully fledged special purpose authorities .
26 As Central Committee Secretary for Agriculture between 1978–85 , Gorbachev was bound to have been largely responsible for the limited measures undertaken in support of private plots .
27 The ‘ cheese ’ is a local name for the pulped apples used in cider making and the stones are supposedly similar to the old cider presses until recently a feature of many a Cornish farm .
28 Lucy remained silent , searching for the right words to soften Bertha 's attitude .
29 She was still searching for the right words to describe how she felt when he suddenly got up and went to meet more guests , and she did n't see him for a long time .
30 He stopped and Carrie saw his mouth tremble while he searched for the right words to say how mean and horrible Mr Evans was .
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