Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of how " in BNC.

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1 As for the question of how the game develops in the wider , European context , that , like domestic reconstruction , is something which stays outwith the control of club managers , ’ Smith said .
2 If at any stage you wish to go beyond your daily existence and to ask for the knowledge of how you can reach your higher self , then your guide will teach you about the workings of your mind , your intellect and how to rise from your lower mental being into that of perfection .
3 This presents the problem for the constructivist of how to regard beliefs .
4 Probably the most useful recent equivalent is Clutton-Brock and Albon 's Red Deer in the Highlands , while a short summary is in Clutton-Brock and Ball , Rum , the Natural History of an Island — a book which is worth studying for the interplay of how things affect each other .
5 In dismissing [ h ] -loss in the manner described , however , scholars may also have dismissed important evidence for the study of how linguistic changes are implemented and diffused .
6 That is another argument for the clarification of how offshore workers should go about securing trade union rights and recognition .
7 All too often moralists tend to regard a person 's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance .
8 During his brave and daring life he came up against many dangers , none so well remembered and retold as the story of how he was saved from death at the hands of the Red Indians by Pocohontas , daughter of Chief Powhattan .
9 Bernadette 's lack of vetting will be condemned by many as the blueprint of how not to find someone to care for your child .
10 And the problem of other minds ( ch. 5 ) can be presented as the problem of how , if at all , my observation of the behaviour of human bodies justifies my belief that those bodies are people ; little extra is gained by asking whether and how I know that they are people .
11 Indeed , I think that probably is the rival to Lucidas as the demonstration of how the depersonalizing is compatible with the most intense personal involvement .
12 So out of yesterday it was how to put the structure together as the delivery of how it came across and what the audience 's reaction was to it .
13 To recommend a model of the English language , whether spoken or written , which would : ( i ) serve as the basis of how teachers are trained to understand how the English language works ; ( ii ) inform professional discussion of all aspects of English teaching .
14 I should also like to say that we are concerned about the question of how much industry should be in Harrogate and there 's talk about avoiding the need for compu commuting .
15 But , feeling glad to have got him off the subject of how apparently her virginal innocence did not tie up with her being a married woman , ‘ Well , if you do n't mind , I 'll just collect my car and head back to England , and — ’
16 I am sorry I d d , I agree with you on one one point that the Middle Eastern er , er government that of the super power from , from the reception , but what really happened in the Gulf War is a typical reflection of the injustice of how the war was being conducted .
17 This reminded me of the story of how Dame Janet allegedly tried to relocate the ducks which meet and mate annually on the landscaped patch in front of the Commons and atop its underground carpark .
18 The variety of the sources of support for a national scheme of family allowances are an important feature of the story of how the scheme was accepted and implemented .
19 Economics consists of the study of how societies produce to meet their needs , of what is produced , by what means , and in what quantities ; of how products are used and distributed ; and of the resulting processes of economic growth and change .
20 At the very end of his lite , writing again of the importance of how his experience as a homosexual had pushed him along the path of revolt , and recalling joyfully one of his lovers , Mala , Gide adds :
21 Each authority is set a ‘ grant related expenditure assessment ’ ( GREA ) based on computation by the Department of the Environment of how much each authority needs to spend to achieve a common level of services with other authorities of the same type .
22 At first sight this might all look very technical , but it is really fairly simple , and an understanding of the theory of how a board works will help you to progress beyond a beginner 's level .
23 All these systems dealt with the problem of how to dispose of stock when , as Day 's library so elegantly put it on the slip , ‘ the first demand for the book has abated ’ .
24 In the 1760's when Wilson was asked to paint Welsh landscape , perhaps in response to the Celtic revival , he was faced with the problem of how to paint bare mountains .
25 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
26 All countries are faced with the problem of how to respond to the rapidly growing demand for health care from their populations .
27 It 's a sad turn of affairs , for while the CCS 's proposals lack any real imagination for dealing with the problem of how to square conservation and recreation interests in sensitive areas , by imposing a broadly English national park model , Mr Lang 's announcement will certainly stifle the real debate once more .
28 But officers were then immediately faced with the problem of how to implement the decision through DHAs not convinced that it could be done .
29 It is a commentary upon the action on that occasion , dealing with the problem of how it should be interpreted , speculating on the motives , intentions and characters of those involved , and generally offering some kind of criticism and justification of whatever are taken to be the goings-on .
30 Now he was faced with the problem of how to promote an airline which was forbidden under US law to sell tickets or advertise its service until the CAB and Federal Aviation Authority had given their approval .
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