Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of things " in BNC.

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1 These statements spoke for the whole Unionist party in their vigorous tone , in the denial that Unionists were responsible for the state of things , and in the laying of blame on the Nationalists .
2 Have you heard any of these words being used for the side of things by the , the tinkers ?
3 that this will happen , people will come to us occasionally and say , do you need money for what specific and I think , as a committee we must have a future , a list for the future of things we might want and also of ideas we have .
4 She had been over all this a thousand times in the real world , the world she privately thought of as the world of things .
5 There is another way in which Eastern Europe can be seen as the prototype of things to come — the flow of refugees from East Germany and the German minorities in other countries to their rich brother .
6 ‘ We are basically looked upon as the end of things , ’ says Richard Faulkner .
7 that 's about the size of things .
8 The Buddha discouraged speculation about the origin of things , about the existence of God and the soul in man .
9 My mum kept telling me she thought I was spending too much , but I 'd always tell lies about the price of things .
10 West Germany , as a nation , is being asked the most profound questions about the shape of things to come on its borders .
11 The worst of it is that one can not yet express a proper anger about the state of things , since it is just about possible that the Frauleins Krabbe , Breuer and Moller are innocent of any serious wrongdoing ( if that 's the right term ) in the affair of the Uniform Urine .
12 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
13 Erm how did that sort of perspective come about the sort of things could be theirs do you think ?
14 So there are a host of clues there if you like about the sort of things that people will actually do and these are all underlaid by an attitude .
15 Erm as far as the C C Q itself was concerned you , you gave an awful lot of information about the sort of things you were gon na look for when Martin said about , you know , what 's in it and it 's , it 's pretty big and what have you you mentioned a lot of subjects or a lot of technical jargon which may or may not have meant anything to the client rather than just say well , you know , some of it wo n't , may well not apply to you .
16 I think there 's one other thing that 's worth thinking about , and that is that many of our students come into the University for one-day schools , for lectures , for activities of this kind , and this gives an opportunity for a kind of reciprocal traffic , if you like , so that people outside who often have very odd ideas of what universities do and what they 're about and what they 're like , can actually see your University , participate in its activities , and we can see ordinary folk who sometimes ask the shrewdest questions and make sometimes what seem to be the most penetrating kinds of points about the sort of things that we take for granted .
17 You write to an imaginary friend , you 're inviting him down for the summer holidays and you say all that , all about the sort of things that you 're planning to do with them , make it up
18 Science can never deal with any questions about the essence of things .
19 And then the sudden lurching shift of perspective , the falling through the bottom of things , when you discover that these constants have been or could be altered after all .
20 And then the sudden lurching shift of perspective , the falling through the bottom of things , when you discover that these constants have been or could be altered after all .
21 Good poetry objectifies feeling , expressing it indirectly through the description of things — through the ‘ objective correlative ’ ( Eliot , 1972 : 145 ) .
22 Chris took the chair and I went through the list of things that needed to be done to get us off the ground : a bank account , an address and telephone number somewhere , an eye-catching logo .
23 Prophet of the shape of things to come
24 If , on the other hand , I approached this child — ( he smiles at Geraldine [ disguised as a boy ] ) — my action could result only in a gross violation of the order of things .
25 By the end of The Order of Things , however , he revises this somewhat conventional thesis to suggest that what was involved was not so much a move from a static to a historical view of things as the break-up of a common , unified historical time-scheme in which every phenomenon had had its place in the same space and chronology .
26 One aspect of the organization underground has not been touched on directly ; that is the pressure on individuals either by the management or the owners to comply with their interpretation of the order of things .
27 At the very end of The Order of Things Foucault makes the seemingly baffling observation that " man is an invention of recent date and one perhaps nearing Its end " .
28 A sense of the incongruity of things is not so unimportant as some people think .
29 The great Italian poet Leopardi had this to say : ‘ Works of genius have this intrinsic property that even when they give a perfect likeness of the nullity of things , even when they clearly demonstrate and make us feel the inevitable unhappiness of life , even when they express the most terrible despair , nevertheless … they always serve as a consolation , rekindling enthusiasm , and though speaking of and portraying nothing but death , restore to it , at least for a while , the life that it had lost . ’
30 Yeah it 's for some er it 's for somebody to get a general idea of the kind of things that happen in lectures .
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