Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun pl] she " in BNC.

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1 Budd 's tome Zola , written for her , pours out the turmoil and blame for the five years she spent trying to run with a foot in two worlds .
2 And she would provide a substitute for the two weeks she reckoned it would take her , an English maid called Phoebe Crabbe with whom she had become friendly .
3 She admired the older girl Hortensia to distraction for the daring deeds she had performed in the school .
4 Kate was quite unable to offer any more resistance , in fact was so busy mentally castigating herself for the happy daydreams she had had while dancing with Ace that Dara had little need of her determination to take control of the rest of the evening .
5 Janice sends very many thanks to everyone for the lovely flowers she received while in hospital recently and thanks also to the super evening she spent at Avery Hill Easter Party .
6 She is also well known locally for the soft toys she makes for various charities .
7 One must pay tribute to her dedication , and the gratitude of all connected with the Club , past , present and future is her due for the patient hours she has obviously spent in researching club records , the Henley Standard and personal reminiscences of many people who have been associated with the Club 's story .
8 The novelist and playwright Clemence Dane ( Winifred Ashton was her real name ) was celebrated for the matchless bloomers she delivered with apparent innocence and ( for her friends ) alarming ease .
9 Miss Gracie had been the last governess , a pale sad woman who had lived for the brief holidays she could get away to spend with a beloved brother and his family in Stirling .
10 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law have revealed that she was killed for the few pounds she had in her house .
11 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
12 She made a little oatmeal porridge for Enoch , and for the three adults she cooked bacon and potatoes , in the iron pan they had brought from home , and used some of the water ration to make tea .
13 She could remember Hamlet and the dates of important battles in the Revolutionary War and the names of Disney 's Seven Dwarfs and the telephone numbers of old boyfriends and the faces of people she had known in college but not seen in years and the deadlines for the three pieces she had been working on …
14 Alice Cox was later to swear on oath that , for the three years she had known Laura , she was only visited by one man other than Charles .
15 And Madam , I 'd also ask you to say that to him to pay compensation for the minor injuries she 's suf she 's suffered and of course you have to consider that 's a point in a case involving assault , would be to add insult to injury , and would not assist the parties in coming to terms with their relationship and hopefully attempting a reconciliation .
16 And hearing him Minch was pleased , for she saw that he was learning to understand others and would be ready for the harder lessons she would give him in the coming year .
17 It was ironical that the man she had just rebuked should be the only one who had shown interest in her as a woman during the fifteen months she had been on the station .
18 She was n't hungry — her appetite had disappeared during the long moments she had looked into his amber eyes .
19 She had had fewer than a dozen poems published in magazines — usually small , regional ones — during the twenty-five years she had been writing .
20 There had been presents and people who had not bothered with her much during the ten years she had worked there became friendly .
21 During the last minutes she had been talking with extreme rapidity in a light high voice .
22 Before that , she realised , during the three years she 'd known him , he had never moved her to any great depths of emotion — not the same soaring heights and plummeting depths she 'd known in just a few days with Fen .
23 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
24 If it was a battle between the two brothers she knew whose side she was on !
25 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
26 Aggie still would not contemplate getting a mouser and when Harold raised the roof about the lethal traps she threw them out and blocked up the holes in the flooring and the wooden skirting-boards with old newspapers soaked in lavender water .
27 Anna never said , Not before you are twenty-one ; she did n't tell her about the legal arrangements she had made .
28 I know about the strange stains she found
29 Leith 's interview at G Vasey Ltd went well , to her surprise , no one being a bit suspicious or in any way questioning about the thick-framed glasses she wore .
30 Me and Emma was talking about the flipping things she gets up to with Scott .
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