Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [that] she " in BNC.

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1 To acknowledge that she could not and never would ask Maggie for the mothering that she would give to her own mother .
2 Mr A is good at one , three , five and Mrs B is responsible for the skills that she 's good at one , two , three , four , five eight .
3 That 's an unmarried daughter that you should be giving due recognition to for the efforts that she may have put in .
4 So perhaps we can for the contribution that she 's made in sh in a short time .
5 This went on for some time , but when it was finished , the daughter started crying again , this time tears of remorse , grieving for the mother who had died , and grieving for the relationship that she had never had .
6 They had the edge , a way of living for the moment that she envied .
7 And Clara , walking by her side and hearing these words , burst suddenly and at last into loud hysterical weeping , and as the tears flooded down her hot cheeks she knew that they were not for her father , but for the meanness and the lack of love , and for the fear that she would die in so ugly a hole , and so unloved .
8 381 , 384 ‘ There is no doubt that at common law if a wife chooses wilfully and without justification to live away from her husband she can not , so long as she continues absent , render him liable for the necessaries supplied to her , or for her maintenance by the union , for the reason that she has of her own free will deprived herself of the opportunity which the husband was affording her of being maintained in the home .
9 If the hon. Gentleman does not think that that is a proper contribution to the health service or a proper qualification for the job that she holds , I am very surprised indeed .
10 Peony looked suitably chastened , but there was a glint in her eye that told Peggy there was plenty more she could say , and would say , if it were n't for the fact that she adored the Vicar with a passion that bordered on the obsessive .
11 Except for the fact that she is n't meant to be Jewish , we are in stock Jewish-mother territory .
12 This was some compensation for the fact that she was almost certainly no better at the piano .
13 Noreen was kept on after the try-out week , but she knew that was only on the strength of Fred , the Stage Manager 's sympathetic report , and for the fact that she got on well with everyone in the company , especially Bernie .
14 This probably accounted for the fact that she was not on duty at the theatre as much as she should have been and was very moody when she was there .
15 In the spring of the following year , 1957 , Marie-Ande Roussain , Edouard de Chavigny 's senior secretary , a young woman of considerable ability and renowned for the fact that she never became flustered , called Edouard in his office .
16 Joan felt a trifle faint and was grateful for the fact that she was sitting down .
17 Folly felt almost embarrassed at herself for the ease with which she was finding these excuses — and for the fact that she seemed to have slipped into mental first-name terms with this man who was , after all , a stranger .
18 Noticing the way the young woman 's eyes had glazed over with undisguised longing , while he appeared faintly bored with the proceedings , Shannon had mentally given thanks for the fact that she was n't drawn to gorgeous , self-centred hunks like this one .
19 Before turning to the detail of the debate , my hon. Friend the Minister of State for Health , who has been present for most of the debate , has asked me to apologise to the House on her behalf for the fact that she could not stay throughout .
20 He really was the most annoying , irritating man she had ever met , and if it had n't been for the fact that she knew he would carry out his threat and have her sacked she would have refused point-blank to go tonight .
21 Though since she had taken only one glass of wine , she knew that when everything should have been against her feeling in any way relaxed she must thank Ven , and his charm as a host , for the fact that she was feeling so entirely at ease with him .
22 I know absolutely nothing about this authoress , except for the fact that she has written many other horror stories .
23 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
24 As for the matter that she raises , I welcome the fact that GP fund holders , and all GPs , are doing more in their own surgeries , which cuts waiting lists and speeds patient care .
25 It was while travelling around the world for the UN that she first became impressed with the simple forms of cosmetics made from natural ingredients used by remote communities .
26 It was during the night that she would conjure up this picture of herself ; in the daytime she was practical .
27 Maggie had so little to do during the day that she spent much of the time chatting and gossiping with Rose .
28 She flicked back through a number of the loose-leaf pages , quickly at first and then slowing as the date that she was seeking came closer .
29 We employ an elderly book-keeper who is due to retire soon and I am concerned about getting someone to replace her as the books that she is keeping appear quite complicated .
30 Deborah , in Chapter 2 , talks about the celebration that she and her family had when she started hers ; Deborah has a very good self-image and no particular hang-ups about her body .
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