Example sentences of "[prep] your [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 BELOW RIGHT It can be considerably easier to clean up thoroughly after your pet if it relieves itself on a sandy surface , rather than on grass .
2 Mr Smith , erm , obviously you want to respond to that , but at the same time could I just press you towards your view and it 's really relevant to the districts surrounding York , that we know you can live with the figures of provision as set out by the County Council in the alteration , how ar are you aware of the figures which are being proposed by other participants in the discussion for Greater York ?
3 ‘ I 'll force that little bastard out of your head if it 's the last thing I do ! ’ he bit out , hatred on his face as he took her , made love like the enemy he was .
4 Er now , on another topic , I will go back to the idea of regulation later , you 'll see that life expectancy is obviously important and er when you 're looking at retirement I mean it 's always been described as the longest holiday of your life and it certainly is that , and life expectancy is rising all the time , these figures have actually been superseded .
5 Choosing a home is probably one of the most important decisions of your life and it is n't one to be rushed into lightly .
6 At least while the enemy is shooting up your Pump Wagon he 's ignoring the rest of your army as it storms forward , and at 40 points each that 's a small price to pay for keeping your core units intact .
7 ‘ You will , of course , send me a copy of your manuscript before it goes to press . ’
8 ‘ Final details are still to be agreed , but I took along the usual samples of your work and it looks as though she 'll want to incorporate feature tiles and maybe also a patterned frieze . ’
9 We 're actually re t talking about reducing the access to justice because if w if these proposals go through , your access to justice will depend on the size of your wallet and it is actually a restriction on liberty .
10 We are going to , but this is , you 've got a classification of continuous service so as part of your audit if it fails , then our corrective action in the future may be to put in this new erm , procedure and write the .
11 If you 're taking regular care of your hair and it still looks less than great , do n't be downhearted .
12 It also affects the colour of your hair as it causes yellowing , especially on blonde or grey hair . ’
13 Can you tell me of your knowledge that it is not so ? ’
14 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
15 People are n't going to request your record unless they have heard of it , and finally , they wo n't have heard of your record unless it has been promoted properly through the usual channels of TV , radio , music press , national press and live shows .
16 Give it a proper share of your attention and it will certainly repay you .
17 Do not strain , simply become aware of your breath as it flows in and out .
18 Colleagues , can I now take , er , a moment of your time and it gives me very great pleasure to call upon the President to deliver his address to congress .
19 Ball of the foot : like your thigh until it is almost parallel with the ground .
20 and I mean , unless yo , and they said do n't clip it near your throat because it would I felt like clipping it round his throat !
21 You may need a thin book under your head if it drops back uncomfortably .
22 When receiving professional aromatherapy treatment-especially aromatherapy massage — it is important to feel at ease with your therapist if it is to be of any worth .
23 Observe , measure , sketch , test by tapping , prodding with your screwdriver where it looks suspicious .
24 Moonlight becomes you it goes with your hair and it it 's so romantic to know moonlight becomes you so
25 The cloche is still the fashion , whether we like it or no , and with your 'air as it is !
26 ‘ And it was six years for both of us , but you 'll understand if I ca n't sympathise with your waiting when it was all unknowing — ignorance being bliss — whereas I 've known precisely what it was that troubled me through all those six years . ’
27 They also play havoc with your skin and it tends to get a bit sweaty under all the make-up I have to wear .
28 Check with your casualty that it 's comfortable , yes ?
29 This figure does not , of course , take account of what you could earn on or do with your money if it was available to you .
30 A good guide is to try to brush your ear with your shoulder as it throws the rig .
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