Example sentences of "[prep] her [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 presented ( retiring Teachers ' Representative ) with a beautiful bowl of plants on behalf of all the teachers and thanked for her work over the past years .
2 Mr Justice Ian Kennedy said he wanted to know about arrangements for her supervision over the next two years .
3 When appealed to for her support over the ginger beer , Araminta had laughed .
4 One of her mates over the road 's he 's gon na try and get a grant and then pay for the college by that and then tell where to go with his overtime .
5 Mrs Thatcher sees nothing in the single market which cuts against the grain of her policies over the past decade , since it should promote the free enterprise culture within the EC .
6 She flings the dregs of her champagne over the balcony railing .
7 Assertion of her supremacy over the other members of the politburo was an essential step to confirming her position as heir-apparent .
8 Mrs. Fielding , who suffers from extreme nervousness , was staying with one of her sons over the new year when thieves broke into her home in Milton Keynes and ransacked it .
9 There would of course have been no story if the author had not given Ayesha enough of human frailty and caprice to bring about certain changes in the circumstances of her rule over the cannibalistic Amahaggar and her relations with Leo Vincey .
10 With a growled exclamation against her lips he tightened one hand in the silky blonde strands , and slid the other down to trace lightly the hollow at the base of her throat , then lower to skim the striped silk of her blouse over the swell of her breasts , an expert , fleeting exploration which drew a gasp of reaction from her yet left her taut and shivering in frustrated anger …
11 His granddaughter , Jessie Mould , has been keenly interested in the movements of her family over the generations and after she had discovered that her seventeenth-century ancestors were mentioned in Richard Gough 's History of Myddle ( 1701–2 ) she published More Tales of Banks Peninsula and wrote in her foreword :
12 But the bruiser was after her , and the click-clack of her heels over the pavement kept him from losing her .
13 If Eva had any regrets it was that her mother had never been able to put in words just how much she obviously meant to her , and that there had not been more time to spend with her parents over the years .
14 In 1914 she resigned from the paper because of differences with her colleagues over the issue of war , and became a member of the executive committee of the Union of Democratic Control , founded by E. D. Morel [ q.v. ] to campaign against secret diplomacy .
15 However , there had been some deterioration in her mood over the previous 2 days .
16 Was she hearing , in the gentle wind , eddying along the purpling coastline , the ghost lamentations of the thousands of sgitheanachs that had ended up against their will in her country over the Big Water ?
17 Whatever the verdict on her previous achievements , the decline in her performance over the past 15 years has been marked and far-reaching .
18 The next day , after Antonia had left , Katherine was told that her punishment was that she would have to stay in her room over the entirety of the weekend .
19 Gail , 25 , who slept with her gold medal round her neck over the weekend , said : ‘ I 've got to admit that I 've been back and forth through hell on the way to Barcelona . ’
20 ‘ But this also raises some doubt over her control over the department in that a highly contentious initiative like this can apparently proceed without her knowing anything about it . ’
21 He went on , ‘ If it had n't been for Bertha sticking to her guns over the question of the house , I 'd have been married to Doreen by now — and that would have been a disaster . ’
22 The majority view was that Britain was and would remain a great power , giving the world leadership based on her experience over the centuries rather than on the depth of her pocket .
23 If she really raced on her bike over the footpath , she might just manage to get to the low bridge before the van reached it .
24 She 's got a great big outside on her slag over the windows and it 's all lit up
25 She looked at her father over the top of her full plate .
26 " I think you owe me an explanation , young man , " Katherine snapped , looking at her son over the rim of her wire-framed glasses .
27 There were also many other gorgeous flowers for this beautiful actress , who has given so many theatregoers great joy by her performances over the years .
28 She 's heartened by her win over the Americans ' No.2 Audra Keller , who also outranks her , on Wednesday .
29 She 's heartened by her win over the Americans ' No.2 Audra Keller , who also outranks her , on Wednesday .
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