Example sentences of "[prep] her [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Alain will be home in the morning , ’ Marguerite observed as she came to bid Jenna goodnight after her second day in bed .
2 Now , after her long fight against cancer , she rested in the arms of Jesus for evermore .
3 In the Four Last Songs , it was good to discover that the soprano Amanda Roocroft 's voice is unimpaired after her long bout of glandular fever .
4 After her small bedroom at home , where beloved old ornaments belonging once to her mother jostled for space with a basket of ironing she had n't yet had time for , and nursing textbooks that would n't fit on her one small bookshelf , or her room at the nurses ' home , where exotic travel posters — gleaned from a travel agent next to her father 's hardware shop — could n't disguise the institutional plainness of the furnishings , this room seemed palatial .
5 In sharp contrast , Goodall learnt about diplomacy early on , back in England after her first spell at Gombe .
6 The wicked mood of triumphant secret freedom which had come to her after her first performance of careful deliberate lying to Jack had , for the moment at any rate , left her .
7 After her first engagement at the Alice Springs School of the Air , she and her lady-in-waiting , Anne Beckwith-Smith consoled each other .
8 Prosser is top of the table after her first victory as a professional in Kuala Lumpur last weekend .
9 Diana immediately wanted to learn sign language after her first visit to a school for the deaf
10 After her first visit to Millie , Aggie returned home somewhat perplexed , and she said to Ben , ‘ I do n't know quite what to make of her .
11 Diana returned after her first visit to Waco to go about recruiting Manchester Adventists using her father 's church membership lists .
12 After her early support for Patten the Prime Minister , Mrs Thatcher , is said to have " lost interest " .
13 It was her natural defence after her early years of domestic service .
14 The casualness , and implicit disvaluation of her contained in that form , are exposed by her reply in verse : Even after her thirty-line speech of pathos and wifely love , describing his disturbed dreams , when Hotspur answers it is in the verse of public business , ignoring all that she has said : ‘ What ho !
15 It would be possible , temporarily , to laugh at the wife being landed in trouble by the monk after her meretricious bargain with him , but she extricates herself from this problem in true fabliau manner .
16 The court heard that the girl is pregnant by him and the baby is due to be born shortly after her 16th birthday in two months .
17 Eva had left her £350,000 house overlooking the sea at Rottingdean , Sussex , in the care of a man who claimed to be a solicitor while she went to look after her 85-year-old mother in Czechoslovakia .
18 True , Germany was beginning to feel the strain of war , particularly after her heavy losses on the Somme and at Verdun , but her armies stood on foreign soil .
19 But she 's had a hard season and lost 17 kilos in weight after her latest win at York .
20 Following her husband 's death in 1976 she served on the politburo from 1978 to 1985 , and remained an influential voice within the CCP even after her formal retirement from public life in 1988 .
21 She said after her last injuries in December 1991 : ‘ I guess I must be the unluckiest policewoman .
22 Particularly after her unfortunate experience with Ben Braithwaite .
23 The classic working-class ‘ mum ’ , living at home to look after her numerous children with the man as the bread-winner , while a folk myth sustained by the Inland Revenue and the population census amongst others in the 1970s , conformed less and less to the reality .
24 It is an irrelevant disappointment that after her delightful scene with Princess Katherine ( Emma Thompson ) , Geraldine McEwan as Alice has nothing to do but adjust a veil or two and look pleased .
25 ‘ Dropped Stitches ’ ( possibly named after her initial experience as a machine knitter ! ) is run by Sue McClelland , who will be familiar to many knitters from her days at Woolengers .
26 Val started Medau umpteen years ago after her third baby to ‘ regain ’ her figure and June joined later to ‘ find ’ hers — now both agree it has a ‘ timeless ’ quality and it ‘ works ’ .
27 Experts are still attempting to establish what caused the filly to test positive to a banned substance after her 40-length defeat by Indian Quest at Kempton last month , for which she started 6-4 favourite .
28 After her three weeks in Sardinia she was physically quite fit .
29 After her brief confrontation with Romano de Sciorto she was trembling all over , she registered dimly , catching sight of herself in an ornate Venetian mirror on the wall .
30 Recently seen opposite Warren Beatty in the title role of the re-released Lilith as a mentally ill girl suffering from ‘ nymphomania ’ , Seberg was hounded by an FBI dirty tricks campaign after her vocal support for the Black Panthers movement , which reportedly led to her suicide in 1979 .
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