Example sentences of "[prep] get [adv prt] [coord] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I voiced my resentment openly , but my fatigue was confided only to my diary and to those of my friends who already knew that I was in the habit of getting up and wandering around at night .
2 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
3 • Change your meal times to fit in with your delayed times of getting up and going to bed .
4 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
5 The blinds of the houses were always drawn to different levels , since each of the rooms was let to a different lodger , and their times of getting up and going to bed were different .
6 I 'm ok during the week , I 've got into a routine of getting up and going to and all the rest of it , but weekends I have every other weekend off , it 's not quite a routine is it ? ,
7 Again she felt like getting up and leaving — but to do that would mean walking out of her job .
8 Firstly , the event itself must be dealt with ( arrow f , Figure 7.1 ) , and secondly , irrespective of its threatening implications , there will be coping responses for getting through and managing the resulting distress ( arrow g , Figure 7.1 ) .
9 And all this nonsense about getting up and going out .
10 He and his team are simple-minded about getting out and getting cash flowing in from the customer .
11 ‘ Shoot the lot of them , ’ I said , thinking about getting out and having a cigarette ( no smoking on the champagne-hued leather of the Merc ) .
12 She cited In re Wallace ( 1885 ) 14 Q.B.D. 22. ( 2 ) The bankruptcy process is very much concerned with getting in and distributing the assets of the bankrupt .
13 Then Fif 's mandroids pushed their way through , and in the melee I managed to scuttle on hands and knees among all the legs before getting up and getting myself and my aching face away from there .
14 Sometimes visits will be on a regular daily basis , especially when a person is very disabled and assistance is needed in getting up and putting to bed .
15 Laura 's father Les said : ‘ We are looking forward to getting back and living a normal life and having a great Christmas together as a family . ’
16 Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time , demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit .
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