Example sentences of "[prep] what was [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
2 The Minister declared , however , that any form of property tax would constitute a betrayal of what was then seen as the Thatcherite mantle , of middle England — Conservative England — and of those who had scrimped and saved to secure their homes .
3 In what was also seen as a reference to Japan , countries with large surpluses and declining growth were urged to consider measures to strengthen domestic demand .
4 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
5 In what was widely seen as an attempt to give its efforts to improve relations with other countries greater domestic and international credibility , the Albanian government hosted a visit to Tirana by the Secretary-General of the United Nations , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , on May 11-13 , when held talks with Alia and other senior officials and also visited other parts of the country .
6 In what was widely seen as a veiled attack on the French government , the Moroccan authorities blamed the disturbances on " a conspiracy of foreign countries " .
7 In what was widely seen as an attempt to draw Israel into the conflict , Iraq had launched a number of missile attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa [ see pp. 37936-37 ; 37984 ] .
8 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
9 The parties of the centre-right coalition suffered substantial losses in nationwide local elections on Oct. 18 in what was widely seen as the voters ' initial verdict on the austerity measures .
10 The evidence she is said recently to have conveyed to ANC intelligence officers against Mrs Mandela throws darker shadows over what was already seen as a murky trial .
11 Public outcry over what was widely seen as an attempt to intervene in the judicial process , however , caused the party to withdraw this threat almost immediately .
12 These reasons secured agreement among club workers because they offered an immediate , convenient , and popular response to what was universally seen as the major problem : how to keep adolescents , especially the young ones , ‘ off the streets ’ .
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