Example sentences of "[prep] my [det] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What was peculiar about my own circumstances I have already tried to describe in the hope of finding and revealing some useful clues .
2 Not that I know all that many people anyway , I suppose ; Jamie is my only real friend , though through him I have met a few people of about my own age I regard as acquaintances .
3 I applied for the post and was interviewed by the headmaster , a man of about my own age who was ‘ mad on Puccini ’ , and consequently thrilled to bits when I recognized
4 During my own life I have experienced many occasions when debt burdens have dominated my thoughts .
5 And although for my own part it would be my ruin , yet so great is my veneration for you , so entire my reliance on providence upon so just an occasion that I should think myself but too happy if I might be accepted .
6 Whether she ever told what she 'd found I never discovered , but for my own part I only wanted to forget the whole frightening incident .
7 ‘ You will perceive by the accompanying prospectus that I have commenced another work of much greater magnitude [ than the Century ] ; for my own part I should have been more anxious to have gone on with unfigured foreign birds and by that means have added so much the more interest to the science of ornithology , but the greater number of the subscribers to my other work not paying attention to birds generally but limiting themselves to those of our own country , they have frequently reiterated their request that I should commence a similar work on the Birds of [ 'this country ’ crossed out ] Europe and this has been the only motive for my undertaking so laborious a task . ’
8 Well for my own part I think that one can educate students as far as possible in terms of what appropriate behaviour is , and I think that you can police students with disciplinary measures when it 's absolutely clear that when they know what the inappropriate behaviour is they nevertheless make a choice that they 're going to move beyond those boundaries of appropriateness .
9 Mr Hay , whose company made a small profit last year , added : ‘ For my own business I think I can see faint signs of recovery .
10 ( know thine enemy ) I wanted to know everything there was to know about lymphoma , but I decided to save the questions — and the wit — for my own doctor who has an excellent sense of humour .
11 ‘ Bad luck , ’ I said although for my own sake I was glad that he had failed .
12 Because I 'm already vulnerable enough where you 're concerned and for my own sake I have to hold on to some degree of control .
13 After my own experiences I wo I would n't advice someone not to go to their G P , but firstly , I would advice them to contact the Eating Disorders Association er , because they are very helpful and they 're more supportive than any G P I 've ever come across .
14 On the occasions of my own visits I always manage to see something new when I visit Rutland Water : a preening water rail in full view below Lax Hill , four buoyant , saw-billed goosanders showing off their diving skills , short-eared owls roosting at dusk on the fence posts of the Hambleton Peninsula , a pair of displaying great crested grebes presenting mutual gifts of waterweed …
15 The fact that there are parts of Britain which have clambered out of real poverty , and primitive housing , within the lifetime of my own generation they see as a hope and a challenge .
16 Erm and one of the things I could 've done was to em er become a salaried employee of my own company which was a limited company but I paid myself as a consultant .
17 I think it 's sometimes falsely represented as being academic or being unreal or as not relating to the masses of women 's lives , and it 's out of my own experience I just want to be clear about this , it 's out of my own experience as an incest survivor , as a pornography survivor , my father worked in the porn industry , that I came to revolutionary feminism .
18 I had to fight for the right to cut dresses as well as suits , to make evening dress as well as day wear and even now , when I 've proved myself in those areas , I have to fight members of my own staff who believe I should still stick to producing powerful women 's suits .
19 And within or without these dancing shapes and from deep within the brighter flame of my own imagination I can escape any pressure from any source .
20 As I laboured through the rest of my own meal we turned our attention to less personally charged topics , like the latest terrorist attack in Northern Ireland and the growing tension in the Lebanon .
21 The testimony that was appropriate here was not about my conversion but to tell briefly of my own son who died in a cot death .
22 of my own father who lives alone .
23 And with my own eyes I saw the stalled clock at Treblinka …
24 ‘ I wanted to know for myself , hard and clear , with my own ears what he knew about Ephraim . ’
25 From my own knowledge there are many Catholic Christians , including myself , who will continue to oppose the use of the death penalty for any reason , considering it barbaric and in total opposition to basic human rights .
26 They are given in alphabetical order , and from my own experience I know them to be absolutely reliable .
27 I learn from my own resources what pain is , in the best and the only possible way ; that is , by feeling it .
28 Whether this redirection has yet had much effect in the classroom is another matter entirely from my own observations there seems as yet to have been few major changes in practice .
29 From my own collection I cherish a small bill presented by the artist George Cruikshank ( 1792–1878 ) in the form of a tiny letter which , when folded , measures only about 1 ½ ins. by 2ins. and is marked ‘ wait ’ on the outside .
30 There are people here from my own world who have somehow been translated into Minginish .
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