Example sentences of "[prep] about a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then the stairs the stairs are facing you like that , so you 've only got about about a metre of in between the bottom of the stairs and your front door and you s just sort of go in through there an and you 're in the living room .
2 I know this I just know about about a sort of friend of ours is making money meanwhile in Germany .
3 But it was no easy task , and heavy equipment had to be manhandled for about a mile from the nearest road .
4 A police landrover followed the car to the gates and for about a mile after it turned .
5 Thus the rhinoviruses — RNA viruses responsible for about a half of common colds — bind to intercellular adhesion molecules on respiratory epithelium .
6 If you have bought fresh livers , put them in a bowl of tepid , slightly salted water and leave them for about a couple of hours .
7 I was there for about a couple of years and then I moved in into Nottingham on traff on the Traffic Department , you know the people that wear the white hats and , and do people for speeding .
8 erm er and it involves going to the lab and sitting around for about a couple of hours while they feed you a bit of sugar and then take some blood tests every half hour .
9 I 've still got my , er get a car for about a couple of grand .
10 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
11 This proceeded uneventfully for about a month with no obvious evidence of either haemolysis or regression of lymphadenopathy .
12 After the trial Orchin , Richmond and McCready were held in prison for about a month on the charge relating to the unlicensed pistol .
13 if you get started you can , you palm , the pattern comes back and you follow it through and you get the answer , erm , need to do it every , maybe sort of about once a month or so , for each topic , do n't let a topic go for about a month without you looking at it for ten minutes or so , and it will be surprising how that little bit of effort keeps it in your mind , so when you come to the exam you do n't sit down there and go , oh , it 's two months ago , I was doing everyone right , wonderful
14 Uncle had been in bed for about a month by then , so the doctor arranged for him to go into hospital in Barnard Castle .
15 Tottenham 's Steve Sedgley will be out for about a month after knee surgery .
16 ‘ And I did n't send her any asterisk memos at all for about a month after that , which was highly unusual .
17 young Scarborough goalkeeper Steve Hewitt will be out of action for about a month after fracturing a wrist in training .
18 So after about a couple of bouts , I thought , alright , and it suddenly dawned on me I did n't know how to stop the tractor .
19 But when my father took over , when he came back to Galashiels , he started in bicycles and there was quite probably ten bicycle shops in Galashiels at that time and er he gave , well he , he attracted business with his efficient way of repairing bicycles and er it 's funny that after about a number of years , we were between the last , after the last war I should say , the Second World War , er we were about the only people for , for a period the only bicycle shop in Galashiels .
20 Anyway , whether that 's the reason or not , over a depth of about a metre of deposit there is really quite rapid changes in these populations .
21 , The largest flying boat in the world only made one flight ( of about a mile in length at a height of about eighty feet ) , and until recently has been preserved within an aluminium-dome museum , close to the Queen Mary in Long Beach , California .
22 A World War I study found that those with a clean rent book would borrow a lump sum of about a pound from which between 1/6d and 5/ would be deducted in interest ; the very poor might borrow one or two shillings on which they paid a penny in the shilling weekly interest .
23 The rhizome should be planted at a depth of about an inch with loose , unpacked sand or planting medium over the growing point .
24 If these had been transferable to SDLP , they would have ensured the election of both O'Hanlon and News each with about a quota of votes .
25 The sun , the clear sky , the bright colours , the prosperous look of this lively , airy university town and wine-growing capital ; the stalls massed with flowers ; fresh fish shining pink and gold and silver in shallow baskets ; cherries and apricots and peaches on the fruit barrows ; one stall piled with about a ton of little bunches of soup or pot-au-feu vegetables — a couple of slim leeks , a carrot or two , a long thin turnip , celery leaves , and parsley , all cleaned and neatly bound with a rush , ready for the pot ; another charcuterie stall , in the covered part of the market , displaying yards of fresh sausage festooned around a pyramid-shaped wire stand ; a fishwife crying pussy 's parcels of fish wrapped tidily in newspaper ; an old woman at the market entrance selling winkles from a little cart shaped like a pram ; a fastidiously dressed old gentleman choosing tomatoes and leaf artichokes , one by one , as if he were picking a bouquet of flowers , and taking them to the scales to be weighed ( how extraordinary that we in England put up so docilely with not being permitted by greengrocers or even barrow boys to touch or smell the produce we are buying ) ; a lorry with an old upright piano in the back threading round and round the market place trying to get out .
26 Propagation is normally done by seed , which should be sown in a container consisting of mud or loam with about an inch of water covering the surface .
27 " Put two quarts of gooseberries into about a quart of water , and set them on the fire .
28 What if there 's like a book published in a , in about a couple of years time about the children 's language
29 talks to about a day in his life at the Ipswich Grain Terminal
30 Any distance up to about a kilometre from the dwelling is of such little moment for any specialised systems of irrigation and garden farming that little adjustment is called for in either the pattern of settlement or of land use .
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