Example sentences of "[prep] its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The report was submitted in March 1991 , but was only made public last month after its discovery in the Department of Environment 's library by a Friends of the Earth researcher .
2 A terrace for open-air teas looks towards the award-winning British Tioxide white garden , re-created here after its success at the Gateshead Garden Festival .
3 On returning to Genappe shortly after its capture by the fusiliers , he found them ‘ busy ’ …
4 The magnitude of erosion is reflected in the silt content of the Huanghe River : before it enters the Loess lands it has an average silt content of 2 kg m-3 of water , but when it leaves the region after its confluence with the Weihe the average silt content is 35 kg m- which can rise to several hundreds of kilograms after storms ( Smil 1984 ) .
5 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
6 Thanks to the solution of the problems of atomic weight and valency ( the number of links the atom of an element possesses with other atoms ) , the atomic theory , somewhat neglected after its flowering in the early nineteenth century , came into its own again after 1860 , and simultaneously technology in the shape of the spectroscope ( 1859 ) allowed various new elements to be discovered .
7 The United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office on May 8 announced that the UK would return to Albania gold worth £10,000,000 ( US$18,000,000 ) which had come into British hands after its confiscation by the Nazis during the Second World War .
8 The explanation was that the vessel had been electrochemically cleaned to remove the worst of the corrosion at some time after its excavation in the nineteenth century .
9 It is , indeed , quite a common occurrence for a government to have second thoughts about a Bill during or after its progress through the Commons and to use its supporters in the House of Lords to make the changes in a Bill then seen to be desirable .
10 In the reconstruction of the city about 475 B.C. , after its sack by the Persians , Hippodamos was able to put forward his ideas on urban planning .
11 More than five years after its flotation on the UK stock market , some see they brand values on which the agency was built becoming diluted by the stresses of being a plc .
12 More positively , both the BFASS and most of its critics in England and Scotland , though not some of the more circumspect Scots abolitionists , sounded off powerfully against the Free Church 's financial reliance on southern slaveholders after its break from the Church of Scotland in 1843 .
13 One might be tempted to argue that the photon is absorbed by the microscope and that by measuring the latter 's consequent recoil , due to acquiring the photon 's momentum after its collision with the electron , we could evaluate this momentum as accurately as we wished .
14 In marked contrast to Solihull , where , a similar period after its launch by the LEA , less than half of the teachers could claim even to have seen the scheme booklet ( Turner and Clift , op. cit. ) , in Oxfordshire , by the end of 1984 four-fifths of teachers had already been involved in a whole-school review .
15 After its opposition to the war the ILP had become deeply influenced by the political currents produced by the Russian revolution .
16 I detest Picasso who , instead of handing ‘ Guernica ’ over to the town whose name it usurped , left his battered and decrepit work to the Reina Sofía hospital after its reanimation in the Prado clinic .
17 For a period they went to the cinema together , two or three times a week , afterwards eating at the Venezia in Great Chapel Street , also drinking in the Black Horse , or the Highlander ( now called the Nellie Dean ) or at the French ( originally known as the York Minster but renamed after its association during the war with the Free French ) .
18 The ceremony was widely regarded as an effort to restore Prussia 's regional identity after its suppression during the years of communist rule in the former East Germany , and simultaneously to dissociate Frederick the Great from the Nazi Party , which had revered his military power .
19 The prostate encircles the urethra just after its emergence from the bladder and can be involved in infection , known as either acute or chronic prostatitis .
20 There are signs , though , that cricket may be sliding slowly off its pedestal in the Caribbean .
21 I stood entranced , as I must confess I always did , while she slipped her shiny white military-style raincoat off its hanger behind the door and buttoned herself into it .
22 The heat produced in the reactor is removed continuously during its operation by the mechanical flow of a gas or liquid through the area of the core .
23 The dock company had made no secret of the fact that this would occur and the council was fully aware of this during its consideration of the dock company 's planning application .
24 If you have already pressed and arranged the flowers on a mount , the recipient will be able to assemble their own picture rather than take the risk of a glass frame smashing during its journey through the post and damaging the picture .
25 Dubbed the " anti-ghetto " bill by Delebarre who introduced it , it suffered changes at the hands of opposition senators during its reading in the Senate on June 19-21 , which weakened clauses obliging low-income housing to be included in private building developments , and extending state powers of compulsory purchase of land .
26 In general , the army had avoided Hezbollah strongholds during its deployment in the south .
27 During its passage through the House of Commons , however , an amendment was introduced by spokesmen for groups of employers , and reluctantly accepted by Fisher , which postponed for seven years the continuation class clauses for those aged between 16 and 18 .
28 I wholly agree with the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook that it would be inappropriate to oppose the Bill on Second Reading , but , like the right hon. Gentleman , I intend to look closely at what happens to it during its passage through the House .
29 There can be little doubt that the government 's ‘ take-over ’ of the Bill during its passage through the House of Commons contributed to its textual defects .
30 A Task Group of four ships and a submarine , led by HMS Ark Royal , with Sea Kings and Sea Harrier aircraft embarked , will stop over during its circumnavigation of the UK .
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