Example sentences of "[prep] if he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if he had slapped her in the face .
2 We must approach our prophet as if he had lived five years ago .
3 Turning , she found Fernand at her side , as if he had risen out of the earth .
4 ‘ Appen he wants to get his hands on the money from your dad 's books , ’ said Bill Clough , looking around him with eager interest , as if he had made a discovery .
5 Where the beneficiary 's interest comes to an end to any extent or is in any way disposed of during his lifetime , then unless he becomes at the same time beneficially entitled to the property in which the interest subsisted or to another interest in possession in it CTT is to be charged as if he had made a transfer ( Continued on page 129 ) of value at that time and the value transferred had been equal to the value of the property in which the interest subsisted .
6 If , whatever a man 's real intention may be , he so conducts himself that a reasonable man would believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other party , and that other party upon that belief enters into a contract with him , the man thus conducting himself would be equally bound as if he had intended to agree to the other party 's terms .
7 The emperor pronounced that a trust was due on these words as if , by prohibiting her from making a will , he had requested that she should make her brother heir : the wording is to be treated as if he had asked her to make over his estate .
8 But he did it with a warming smile and a ready assumption of her allegiance and willingness , more as if he had asked a small current courtesy of his wife than given an order to a servant .
9 It was n't as if he had asked for a fee , he had gone to the school for nothing , out of the goodness of his heart .
10 His head was buried in the sand , hands and feet spread out , as if he had fallen from a great height . ’
11 After his speech the conference clapped and cheered as if he had announced the abolition of the income tax .
12 She felt raw — not physically , except where she had scoured her skin in the bath , but inside , in her soul , as if he had reached in and desecrated some sacred part of her .
13 He made it seem as if he had gone to New Orleans drunk , got sober and wrote a book .
14 Once the lids of the outer case and the leaden shell had been removed , the workman prised off the lid of the inner coffin ; the slightly yellowed silk sheets were drawn back and there lay the body of the child , looking as if he had gone off to sleep but a few moments before .
15 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
16 His face was unshaved and the hands , rigidly clamped together in his lap , were grubby , as if he had gone to bed unwashed .
17 Violet looked at Patrick as if he had gone mad .
18 She just could n't help it , and Marguerite looked at her son as if he had gone quite mad .
19 He spoke the words ‘ sherry at six ’ with a hint of menace , rather as if he had said ‘ pistols at dawn ’ .
20 ‘ Sometimes I hate him , ’ he said with undoubted truth , and wheeled away as if he had said enough .
21 Sampson feels ‘ a very great aversion ’ to Slinkton as soon as he sees him : ‘ His hair , which was elaborately brushed and oiled , was parted straight up the middle ; and he presented this parting to the clerk , exactly … as if he had said , in so many words : ‘ You must take me , if you please , my friend , just as I show myself .
22 The young man seemed embarrassed , as if he had said too much , though he had barely said anything .
23 It was almost as if he had said — ‘ This man is a bit groggy ; let's dispose of him ! ’ that is how it appeared tome at the time , too .
24 He shrugged as if he had said all that he intended to say , and bowed to Artai .
25 There was a pause as if he had said more than he had intended , and , not wanting to probe , she went on , ‘ After drama school I landed a role in a long-running West End farce , as the dumb blonde — because of my looks , I suppose .
26 It was as if he had conceived a latterday , visual version of the sonnet or the haiku .
27 ‘ You mean — ’ Paul felt as if he had received a blow in the stomach .
28 Dalziel nodded enthusiastically as if he had received encouragement .
29 In F v West Berkshire Health Authority [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 545 , Lord Goff stated : where the state of affairs is permanent or semi-permanent , as … in the case of a mentally disordered person … there is no point in waiting to obtain the patient 's consent … the doctor must act in the best interests of his patient , just as if he had received his patient 's consent so to do … the lawfulness of the doctor 's action is to be found in the principle of necessity … the doctor must act in accordance with a responsible and competent body of relevant professional opinion … it may be good practice to consult relatives and others who are concerned with the care of the patient .
30 And then , almost as if he had received some secret signal , he gave a slight nod of his head , grinning sardonically down at her for a moment before rolling off her body and gathering one of the twins up in his arms .
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