Example sentences of "[prep] if [v-ing] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 From there the head waiter , as if thinking that they were more than friends , escorted them around the bend of the L-shaped room and to a secluded table in a corner .
2 Then , in a postscript , as if feeling that his measured words had not yet said enough , he added with a sudden note of desperation : ‘ May God preserve us & make us continue to be joy & comfort & wisdom & virtue to each other , my dear , dear , Poole ! ’
3 He examined them from beneath pink-rimmed lids — as if checking that they were his , Trent thought .
4 Massingham had driven in , for him , an unusual silence as if sensing that his chief was grateful for this small hiatus between knowledge and discovery .
5 Away from the ether of Breakspear and deprived of his occupational gown , Cyril Ockleton was transmuted into a more subdued and less boyish version of himself , as if sensing that his true persona required a measure of disguise in the wider world .
6 as if sensing that she had given up fighting him for the present , fitzAlan released her immediately , frowning down at her distraught face .
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