Example sentences of "[prep] if [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't a matter of if they would return ; it was merely a question of when .
2 Her eyes followed him as he unpacked the bike , and she wondered if he was just going to take it for granted that she would sleep with him of if he would offer her the choice .
3 It looked as if we would have to take him out but an older Asian boy came and took him away , and he went quite confidently .
4 Yes , yes , we erm , we 're obviously in Japan and erm , and increasing the sales slowly there but it 's a very good market for us , very good advertisement market er , for us and er , I think I 've told you before , even before , before the recession , it started , it looked as if we would recoup the extra spending in the first year .
5 ‘ We may have only won 1–0 , but it never looked as if we would lose .
6 The armholes looked too short , the sleeves did n't look as if they would fit and the bust size was nowhere near the size that was required .
7 as if they would move in the same circles .
8 Aching in bones as if they would break
9 Aching in bones as if they would break is the main feature of this remedy that accompanies all of its complaints .
10 Oh no , the er , to , to maintain authenticity , the people in the band have to look as if they would looked in nineteen forty , which is why er Sally Edwards who 's the Vera Lynn look-alike er would be more authentic than Vera Lynn herself .
11 Her breakdown can not be better described than in her own words : ‘ She saw , as she thought , devils opening their mouths all inflamed with burning waves of fire , as if they would have swallowed her in , sometimes ramping at her , sometimes threatening her … night and day , during the aforesaid time ’ .
12 Though he noticed there were some who spoke to the superintendent and were completely ignored , while others looked as if they would have preferred to creep past unknown .
13 ’ It 's not as if they would add up to a great sum . ’
14 His bony legs , which usually felt as if they would collapse beneath him , felt firmer , stronger .
15 Swelling — inflamed parts swell rapidly , are very sensitive to touch with the sensation as if they would burst , with pressing , stinging , burning pains .
16 Passing hot-dog stands and car parks and stalls selling Formula One memorabilia , she sprinted around the outside of the circuit until , when her lungs felt as if they would burst , she finally reached double gates in the high chain-link perimeter fence which enclosed the pits .
17 She slouched from parent to parent , latching on to those who looked as if they would listen to her woes — not realizing , perhaps , that this was hardly the purpose of Parents ' Evening .
18 In spite of his powerful torch , the darkness seemed to close in on him and he felt a weird , evil presence as if something would spring out from between the silent waggons and overpower him .
19 She clasped her daughter 's hand in despair , as if she would pull her back from the falsely-beckoning light .
20 For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from him , then she nodded , and , still weeping , allowed herself to be led away .
21 She rubbed as if she would erase the images that flitted through her mind as she worked , like an unconnected pageant — the images , and the thoughts that crowded her mind around them .
22 There was an ache in her solar plexus , growing and expanding , until she felt as if she would explode with the pain of her suppressed emotions .
23 She had an impression of being lifted up from the bed — she had cried out in agony , feeling as if she would break in half — and laid upon a stretcher .
24 " Christ , " said Faye violently , " what utter bloody shit , " and she even held out her pretty hands , clawed to show slender nails painted bright red , as if she would scratch the pictures off the walls .
25 In the scorching heat she had felt as if she would pass out ; now she wished she had .
26 She thrust her eyes open , as if she would banish the image from them .
27 as if she would dare !
28 Some reason why he was watching her cautiously as if she would erupt with anger .
29 The little girl hesitantly offered the bowl to Marion , who for a moment looked as if she would snatch it and throw it at her .
30 Her hands were splayed across his broad shoulders as if she would push him away , and for some reason she could n't seem to relax them .
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