Example sentences of "[prep] if [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This elderly Czech émigré , an unsuccessful literary man , is the godfather of her husband 's boyfriend , Tomas , a sharp-looking little hustler with disconcerting ways ( he asks for a glass of water as if issuing a command ) .
2 ‘ I am the centre of my existence , ’ Clare sang , as if chanting a psalm , pitching her voice an octave lower , as she pushed Josh to her playgroup the next morning .
3 Melissa was beginning to wish the conversation had never started ; the last thing she wanted was to become embroiled in a dispute between two women she hardly knew , but Rose was looking her squarely in the eye as if demanding a response to her outburst .
4 The mahout , as he gives a command , reinforces the order with leg pressure just as if riding a horse .
5 ‘ It 's all right , ’ he said , and held out the bloody hand as if refusing a favour .
6 The entire cast held their breath , as if watching a tightrope-walker stumble , and all let out a sigh of relief when he managed to right himself and make it through to the end of the speech .
7 She choked out Rosalba 's message , that he should meet her there , in the same place , tomorrow , that he should come , as if to light a candle , and she would be there , doing the same thing , early , before the morning Mass .
8 Case of the Negro Sommersett seventeen seventy-two , ’ Miss Phoebe murmured as if repeating a lesson .
9 Waters produced a light pointer and began to explain the topography as if conducting a band .
10 If this is ignored , he wriggles his skin , as if to disturb a fly .
11 Start the engine and simply run over the blocks as if using a vacuum cleaner .
12 When at last the waves sluice over them , each shakes her body convulsively so that the brown eggs swill away in the water and , with a touching gesture of apparent exultation , lifts her claws above her head as if waving a salute .
13 This new , familiar girl fussed around the table , patting at the rotting food as if plumping a baby 's eiderdown , waiting , waiting , waiting for the guests to arrive .
14 Now he looked positively sinister , his eyes continually flashing around as if seeking a challenge .
15 The point is , I know solicitors individually are totally immoral ’ — Gerald nodded assent as if accepting a compliment ‘ — and I suppose , as with any other bunch of thieves , there is honour among you . ’
16 Iris closed her eyes and began speaking slowly as if reciting a lesson .
17 JEWKES leading PAMELA , now with her hands bound as if taking a walk on the estate .
18 Dealing with wireless every day , Joe rarely listened when off duty to accounts of small successes put over in the announcer 's authoritative tone and the defeats intoned as if reporting a death : which it was , though not a single death , such as when Tobruk had fallen in June and Mussolini went into Libya .
19 ‘ Yes , I 'm up for it , ’ he says jokingly , as if ordering a pint of beer .
20 ‘ We just flies in a room , ’ he liked to say , moving quickly across the ruins of daily life , plane crashes , train wrecks , matricide , infanticide ; then , after swatting half of humanity , he 'd lower his voice and whisper , as if imparting a secret , ‘ We just flies , that 's all .
21 Luke was still staring at her as if expecting a rabbit to emerge from her sleeve at any moment .
22 I am , after all , ’ he added , glaring round the room as if expecting a challenge , ‘ the executor of Sir Ralph 's . ’
23 Liu Chang 's mouth opened as if to form a question , then clicked shut .
24 He crouched down and clung to the rail with his right hand and reached out with his left as if to punch a hole through the wall .
25 He said this directly to Dawson , his tone level and low , as if countering a challenge .
26 As he raised his glass , Major Morton raised his also , as if to make a toast .
27 " He 's a horrible person , " Kate cried with renewed vehemence , and looked behind her as if contemplating a continuation of her assault .
28 And then he concentrated on her mouth , his head angling to one side as if contemplating a take-over bid .
29 Move your hands back and forth or in circles ( as if polishing a table ) but keep your hands loose and relaxed .
30 as if anticipating a question from Blanche , the SOCO pointed to the screw joining the two blades .
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